View Full Version : second scan !!!!

21-11-10, 23:13
hi all
i was diagnosed with polycistic ovaries in the middle of october after an ultrasound scan they found numerous cysts on my ovaries and i was also told my right one is enlarged..........
i had blood tests a few weeks before and was told my hormones werent right i cant remember which level it said it began with an 'A' so i was put onto folic acid tablets which i have been taking daily since ihave moreblood tests on the 8th of december to check my levels again sohopefully these will be fine...........
but whats really making me panic and anxious today is i have a second scan tommorow on my ovaries but i dont understand why i need another one ??????
i also had a gynea appointment which i was meant to go to on thursday but i cancelled because i was too anxious to go........
Its really makin me panic feel sick, dizzy andligh headed today they know whats wrong soi dont understand why they just cant treat me now ????
has anyone else who has being diagnosed gone through this ????
be a great peace of mind if someone else had to go through this when they were diagnosed ????

21-11-10, 23:36

iv had pcos since i was 19, im now 38. i have never had any treatment for them.

I only had the one scan so im sorry i cant say why they are doing another.

good luck for the scan tom

mandie xx

22-11-10, 08:27
What sort of scan was your second one - a ultrasound or an mri???

I had a routine ultrasound about 18 months ago that showed a cyst on my right ovary that was large enough to need further investigation although they said they were sure just from ultrasound it was a benign fluid filled cyst but I had to have blood tests one being the CA125 ovarian cancer test and also an mri scan of pelvis so they could confirm it was a harmless cyst. They made it clear they were just being extra thorough it was new practise that any cyst or irregularity ovary wise was given the full works so this is probably what is happening to you.

No matter how anxious you are its best not to miss an appt as this is when they give you results etc- dont' forget they are used to people crying all over them! Have you got another appt for results yet???

Also if they found anything very bad believe me they would be on to your GP super quick and you would be contacted.

My cyst went away itself after about a year.

22-11-10, 20:34
I had this the second scan will be to check to see i they have gone. i they thought it was anyhing serious u would be having an Mri scan. i had this last year. I had a huge complex cyst, i was ound to be benign. a further normal scan showed it had gone i wouldnt worry
i only had my first scan on the 8th of october and they didnt give me any medication so surely the cysts cant have disappeared ?? xx

22-11-10, 20:52
Cysts can come and go at any time and most of the time we are completely unaware that we have them. I had had two scans 6 months apart so I know that my cyst appeared in that time and 6 months later when I had my next check up scan it had gone so it lasted approx a year.

23-11-10, 18:25
i didnt know they could dissapear my doctor never really explained just told me what was there and said i need another scan which made me worry :weep:
im panicking more today because everytime i cough or stretch i get a sharp stabbing pain in my lower right hand side were my ovary is...........
did you ever have this ??