View Full Version : Do i go to a&e?

22-11-10, 00:09
All day i have been experiancing some really strong pressrue behind my nose and eye only on one side... and it pretty much is really strong at the moment and going to my forehead
but its the pressure behind my nose thats causing me really uncomfort...

i don't know what todo..
i have taken a some decongestants but nothing has worked


22-11-10, 00:16
Sounds like you may have a sinus infection honey
Really you need to do some steam inhalation with some menthol drops in the water.
Ibruprofen is really good for this too as it has anti inflammatory properties.
Have you recently had a cold?
If you were to go to a & e you will be there all night, prob best to try and see your gp in the morning.
Wish you better xxxx

22-11-10, 00:20
Thanks Traciec for your kind words!
I have just boiled kettle and going to try some steam! and i have just taken ibrupfen! wonderful advice thank you so much
I really am convinced i have a infection but last time i went to the docs she said everything was fine.... my ears drive me mental always poping and always full.
but this nose pressure is something else!

22-11-10, 00:25
Go to your doc or a 24hour doctor. Hope you feel better soon x

22-11-10, 06:52

hope u manage to go to a dr today, sounds like you mite need antibiotices for sinus

mandie x