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View Full Version : Horrible back pain

08-03-04, 05:06
I haven't posted in a bit but my new symptom of stress/anxiety/panic is driving me nuts. I have had excruciating upper and mid back pain for four days now. Previous to this it was some light soreness and sharp pains here and there. Anyone else have back pains from all the tension? Like my usual self I keep thinking this is referred pain from my heart not getting enough oxygen from blocked arteries! This pain is really bad along my spine when rubbed and radiates outward to shoulder blades. UGH.

08-03-04, 17:58
Like my usual self I keep thinking this is referred pain from my heart not getting enough oxygen from blocked arteries!

Oh Toni - Where do you get this from ?? Absolutely impossible anatomically . The nerves and their network just isn't built this way !

Drink plenty of water, swimming and a jacucci would be great and if really sore a massage .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-03-04, 18:25

iv been getting back pain for nearly 3 years, iv got a curviture in my spine. does yours ache or shark pains


09-03-04, 02:05
I have pain that runs from my shoulders down and sometimes around my sides.
I have went to the doctors and hospital because of it. It is muscle tension and right now I am having a difficult time getting rid of it. I have once before been on an anti-inflamitory and this helped. I am going tomorrow to the doctors to request this again.

Maybe you should check with your doctor about the same.



09-03-04, 02:55
Thanks for the replies everyone. My back back has subsided a bit today and I feel better but now my tightness in my chest and that feeling like something is stuck is more noticeable. I used a heating pad almost all day yesterday. I guess that and giving it some time helped. It feels worse tonight than it did this morning. Always something! I went to the dr. about the back pain and he didn't say much, he believes most everything is being caused by my anxiety disorder. Eight weeks of almost constant chest discomfort makes me very anxious! I continue to exercise pretty intensely with no problems what so ever. Today horrible chest tightness caused a panic attack but I got up the nerve to do a hard 20 minutes on one of those new elliptical machines. Kinda like jogging without the impact. I do have a nuclear cardiac study appointment for this week but my intern called and said that maybe I should wait and give some medications a chance to help with the anxiety. He is talking this over with my cardio who I believe feels the same way. They are worried about a false positive and further testing when they are in agreement that there is a very small chance anything besides anxiety is causing this.