View Full Version : Constant feeling of dread :-(

22-11-10, 08:59
I keep waking up with this dread feeling and than I can't sleep again and my thoughts get worse. I feel tired allday long. I'm constantly dreading the days. Anyone else get like this? Xx

22-11-10, 09:04
Hi there
Yes I get the same I dread opening my eyes because I dont
know what the day is going to be like


sad lisa
22-11-10, 09:05
Yes, I feel like this every day. It really grinds you down. I just know it cant get any worse for me and I look forward to the days when I will hopefully feel better. :lac:

22-11-10, 09:25
yes i get this too! its horrible :weep: sometimes the day gets better as it goes on, but every morning im trying to push this dread feeling of fear away!

22-11-10, 09:50
Yes I get the same I dread opening my eyes because I dont
know what the day is going to be like

Me too.

Smile :)
22-11-10, 09:55
Yep I get this too every morning. Some morning's I open my eyes and feel good about my day but as soon as I step out of bed the dread hits. It can get bettter as the day goes on but sometime it's there all day long :(

22-11-10, 12:33
I felt like this a couple of weeks ago. Try and remind yourself that there is nothing to fear and think of positive things. I know it's hard.

22-11-10, 22:43
I have felt like this every morning for the last couple of weeks,its not nice

28-05-11, 16:41
I have the exact same feelings. A constant fear, like im waiting for things to happen to myself or people around me?... For 3wks now i'v been feeling this way. I have a permanent knot in my stomach and some sort of ball in my throat, which panics me... Oh dear :(

28-05-11, 18:45
I feel the same too. Ive felt like this since new year now so you'd think I'd be used to it by now but no!

28-05-11, 18:53
I feel the same too. Ive felt like this since new year now so you'd think I'd be used to it by now but no!

it's been a little over 3wks for me and i already feel like my life is over, never have i felt anxiety as intense as this, its literally 24hrs for me right now?...

29-05-11, 08:23
Felt like this for all over xmas it was awefull , thats why i ended up on citralapram , 6 months later i feel great most days . I take it everyone who has posted has seen there gp ? i don,t think i could of got better without meds .

Hope you all feel better soon , it does go away


29-05-11, 21:50
yes ive had it for two months now, its awful it feels like a nightmare. Ive been to hospital and back, and the worst thing is they say its gonna take a long time to heal, how can one survive like this? I had a breakdown once before it took 9 months to recover, its hard to deal with that thought. Particularly as i have mountains of work to do, and if i dont do it the problem will just get worse but i cant do anything cause im frozen

30-05-11, 10:41
I keep waking up with this dread feeling and than I can't sleep again and my thoughts get worse. I feel tired allday long. I'm constantly dreading the days. Anyone else get like this? Xx

All the time :weep: I hate waking up in the morning, especially if its by panic attack...

30-05-11, 11:11
I have days with constant anxiety fo what seams like no reason. My blood pressure is up with it and causing me to worry.:weep: