View Full Version : Feels Like I'm the only one with Wierd Sympoms :-(

22-11-10, 12:31

I haven't posted anything on here for a while as I've tried so hard to totally forget about my symptoms.

About 4 months ago I rushed myself into A&E as I had aura Migrane with Squiggly Lights and my speech was totally slurred... After The doctors took my blood pressure they basically said I was fine?

A few days later I went to my Dr and he said have you ever had anyone with Strokes in the family (well I'm 22 and my dad was adopted so I don't know his family History!!) He then said don't worry I think it was just a migrane.

Ever since this episode I have had Ghosting/Double vision (like a ghost image to the left of everything I see) Soooo I freaked out again rang the NHS helpline and went straight back to A&E!!!

Again they said I was fine but sent me to the EYE doctor the following day.

After numerous tests like dilating eye drops ect they said my eyes are totally healthy and even with having a lazy eye (when younger that was 100% corrected) they said they haven'tgot a clue why this is happening (They didn't even mention anxiety)

So now I'm in limbo? I'm freaking out 24/7 again as my ghosting has got worse! I have 1x BLACK floater in my Left eye! And I see colours/dots/light spots/flashes all the time!!

I'm so scared but even eye specialist said well in my 30 yearss I haven't seen a case like it..He didn't know what to say??

Sorry for this being a long winded post... But I actually don't know what to do??

Any replies would help me?

Thank you xx

22-11-10, 12:50
I don't have the answer but i really wish i did... im so sorry you have had to go thru all of this :(

22-11-10, 12:52
Hiya I get Exactly The Same..!! Dont Worry Im Sure It Is Anxiety/Stress I Get Where I See A Weird Bright Light In Corner Of My Eye But When I Look It Goes... Unfortuanlty Stree And Anxiety Can Cause A Long List Of Symptoms I Totally Understand Where Your Coming Form As Im Worrying 24/7 And Have Done For 5 Years.. Try Keep Your Chin Up xxxx

22-11-10, 12:53
Awww Thank you... I'd rather the doctors just lied if they thought nothing was wrong..Rather than saying "well I don't know, sorry?" :-( Thanks again xxx

22-11-10, 12:56
Thank you Little miss Nervous! Not that I like the fact your having the same...But it's kinda reassuring to know I'm not totally insane.. I just wish it wasn't my eyes!! (As there is no escape from seeing!!)

I may just go to docs and say if they don't know what it is...I may just ask for help with anxeity? As NO doctor has even mentioned Anxiety..It's this site that helped me come to that conclusion..Thank u xxxx

22-11-10, 12:56
no problem i get alot of migraines to as they are brought on by stress if u ever need to talk im always here xx

22-11-10, 13:00
Aww I will... Thank you ... Do you find you look for things..Like I will be watching TV and I'll see something out of the corner of my eye... So I'll quickly look to make sure its actually there!! It's so annoying coz it makes me totally ON edge!! I'm always qualifying myself and checking my eyes ect...

You should see my Medical Draw !! Geez there's nothing I haven't tried! lol xxxx

22-11-10, 13:20
Hi there

I think there are a number of us here who suffer from migraines, so feel free to pick our brains if you need us.

Floaters are really, really common. I have had them for at least 20 years and I'm still here! They are just tiny bits of debris, but anxious people notice them moving about and get fixated on them (I know as I've done this myself).

The little dots of light can also be caused by anxiety as well, and I've had these for years as well. They can appear like little sparks of light, often coloured, and they will whizz across my vision and disappear within a couple of seconds. I can get them every day for a while, and they they'll not appear for ages.

If you're seeing things out of the corners of your eyes, I suspect this is that you've become hyper-aware of your vision, and what you're seeing is could well be the edge of your eyelid.

It might be worth going back to your doctor again and asking him whether he thinks any of this could be anxiety? At least if you get a positive answer you'll be able to put this aside.

The migraines, unfortunately, can come back, as they tend to be a recurring thing. However, there is medication that can help prevent or ease attacks, but at the moment there isn't a cure for them.

22-11-10, 13:46
Thank you so much for your reply Blue Angel..I know in the back of my head there can't be something really wrong as my symptoms haven't got worse I think likeyou said i've become over aware! I do kinda look for things :-/

I am going o book another appointment and just get the doctor to clarify in a bit more detail, I would like some reassurance thats its not my brain or something..Scares me so much!!

Also I have only ever had that one migrane (apart from onr about 10 years ago which was totally different..i was sick, saw fireworks in my eyes and had the worst headache ever) This recent migrane I had NO pain.. No Sickness just a Blind spot/squiggly line that moved around my field of vision..and the slurred speech!

Was very scary...but I'm still here.. Still stalking my Doctor,

Thank you xxx

22-11-10, 19:03
Hi nrowe...!

good news I think I have some answers for you!

The squiggley vision etc, is a silent migraine, no pain but with visual disturbances and you might get a very slight headache later on. Usually caused by stress or other triggers.

The ghosting or double vision was explained to me by a neurologist and an eye doctor. Apparently if you have had a childhood squint/ lazy eye, the brain in adult life compensates by realigning your vision to take account of the slight deviation.

When under lots of stress or anxiety, or if a person is 'checking themselves' or becomes hypersensitive to their bodies the brain can become fatigued dealing with all the different anxieties and stops compensating.... hence the double vision or ghosting.

I had it, got checked, got medication, calmed down a bit.... never had it since!

You can check and reassure yourself by examining hat you see:

true double vision is where everything is ghosted or double including background, faces everything.

I bet your double vision is only things close such as near objects, faces, people walking etc, but distance objects such as far away trees and far off buildings are not double......

Your brain is used to having to compensate for near objects, but is too stressed to do so for a while.

If everything including far objects are double then you need to go back to see doctor if it persists.

Hope this helps,

I've been through all this for a year now and am out the other side feeling better every day....

good luck!

22-11-10, 19:18
I had a couple of the silent migraines when I was pregnant. For me it was hormonal and went away after delivery. They were exactly how you described them a squiggly line which lasted twenty minutes and then went. I had a small bit of grogginess afterwards.

Since then I get the flashes of light in my eyes. I call them sparks. Sometimes they're black dots, sometimes White sparks and sometimes blue sparks. No one has been able to explain what they are to me.

22-11-10, 19:38
Hi Nroe 2, 1 floater huh? I've got about 10 in each eye so nurr nurr :D
Honestly though sweetie, stress/anxiety is a funny old thing y'know, it causes all sorts of symptoms and floaters and migraines are common ones. You'll be fine my love. xx

23-11-10, 14:28
Thank you so much for all your replies!!

I think I would feel better if my Dr said that people with anxiety get this... But he didn't even mention it! I'm gonna have to wear a T-shirt with "DOCTOR I THINK I MAY HAVE ANXIETY..HELP!!" haha...

I just hate having One Floater coz (my Hypercondriac) says it's a tumour or something!! ohhhh and I've stopped googling as I was a typing WRECK!!! Thanks again xxx

23-11-10, 14:28
Hi nrowe...!

good news I think I have some answers for you!

The squiggley vision etc, is a silent migraine, no pain but with visual disturbances and you might get a very slight headache later on. Usually caused by stress or other triggers.

The ghosting or double vision was explained to me by a neurologist and an eye doctor. Apparently if you have had a childhood squint/ lazy eye, the brain in adult life compensates by realigning your vision to take account of the slight deviation.

When under lots of stress or anxiety, or if a person is 'checking themselves' or becomes hypersensitive to their bodies the brain can become fatigued dealing with all the different anxieties and stops compensating.... hence the double vision or ghosting.

I had it, got checked, got medication, calmed down a bit.... never had it since!

You can check and reassure yourself by examining hat you see:

true double vision is where everything is ghosted or double including background, faces everything.

I bet your double vision is only things close such as near objects, faces, people walking etc, but distance objects such as far away trees and far off buildings are not double......

Your brain is used to having to compensate for near objects, but is too stressed to do so for a while.

If everything including far objects are double then you need to go back to see doctor if it persists.

Hope this helps,

I've been through all this for a year now and am out the other side feeling better every day....

good luck!

Thanks Miles...I have PM'ed you xx