View Full Version : Does a panic attack harm my unborn baby?

17-03-06, 14:18
My wife is very worried that her panic attacks will harm her unborn baby. Can anyone give me a guide to where I can find infomation to reasure otherwise. She doesn't want to talk to midwife or GP "in case they'll think I will be a unfit mother and take the baby away". It isn't possable to 'argue' with logic or reason she needs other proof as "You're not a doctor so you don't know that I am not harming it..!" is the standard answer. Any ideas anyone?
Thank you to anyone who replys.

Ma Larkin
17-03-06, 14:33
Hi bc, tell your wife not to worry. Panic shouldn't harm unborn babies. I took a supplement "Omega 3 Fatty Acid". It alters mood & was quite good, & is safe to take during pregnancy. I also found the bit of info below for you, which is a similar set-up to this site:


Junior Member
Posts: 19
From:Shoreham,NY USA
Registered: Nov 2002
posted 11-23-2002 05:35 PM
I really want to have a baby but I am very nervous about all the what if's. Has anyone ever felt this way before or had any panic attacks during pregnancy? Can I have a healthy baby? Can I get through the whole nine months without it killing me? Is this a really big risk for someone with a panic disorder? Please help. Any advice would greatly be appreciated Thank you.
kim simone

Hi Lady!
You will survive! I did twice! I only had one attack during pregnancy, but it was due to a little scare I had. I spotted once in the beginning, and feared the worst, which brought it on. Everything was fine though, and the rest is history. I have 2 healthy, beautiful kids! One is now 12 and the other 10. If I can make it, anyone can! While I was pregnant, I didn't worry as much as I usually did. I focused on the baby inside, and the happy life we were going to have. I barely thought of myself, and I think that's what got me through!

You'll do GREAT!


Hi Kim,
Thank you for your encouraging words. It really helps to hear that people can live somewhat of a normal life with this disorder. I am happy everything went well for you.
Take care

Hey there,
I did and had a beautiful and healthy son. funny thing was that I did not experience panic during the pregnancy. I put it down to maternal protection for the baby. Have you discussed this with your doctor?
Best of luck,

17-03-06, 14:33
Do you know what; no doc or midwife is going to think your wife is an unfit mother. If she DIDN'T have any anxieties or worries, they'd probably be more concerned. Do you have any idea how being pregnant affects you emotionally? It's rollercoaster-hormone-city and your wife's the mayor!!

Seriously just read some of the posts on here; you wouldn't believe how many are by pregnant women. I was the same in my last pregnancy and the drs were great. They sent me for all these heart tests cos that was my worry and I think they knew that there was nothing wrong with me. I genuinely think they put me thru all these expensive tests just to ease my mind.

There are women out there who take hard drugs during pregnancy and keep their babies; there are women who feel murderous towards their newborn and don't lose their babies. So please don't worry; I can personally guarantee you and your wife (from experience) that the doctor/midwife will be nothing short of wonderful- I promise!!

Shiv x

17-03-06, 17:46
A panic is just a surge of some hormones and an escalation of her body metabolism.

Providing she is healthy between them there is no need for undue concern


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

17-03-06, 17:49
I've often wondered the very same thing. I am almost 4mos. pregnant, and I've only had one panic attack so far. What is the biggest thing for me is my anxiety, and stress. I feel like it's doing so much harm to my baby. I feel guilty all of the time, not being able to enjoy my pregnancy because i'm always worried.
I don't think stress is great for my baby. I'm not too worried about the panic attack(s), although, my palpitations worry me.
Wow, I'm sorry I even posted. I obviously am of no help! Sorry!
Looks like I need as much info as your wife.

Good Luck,

17-03-06, 19:37
We have had a few healthy babies born from members on here so I don't think there is anything to worry about.


17-03-06, 21:23

I had panic attacks all throughout my pregnancy and even throughout the Labour and gave birth to a healthy son who is now Eleven!

It is natural to have worries and just goes to shows what caring parents you will make to your baby,

Take Care
Wendy x

18-03-06, 03:19
hi bc...
My educational background is in early childhood education, where I have some psychology background, as well as brian development and fetus development knowledge. What I can tell you is that many studies show that if a mother feels stress in any way, the baby is affected somewhat...the fetus can hear (depending on its maturation), and is connected to the mother. Stress can affect a fetus, so panic or anxiety would probably have some affect. BUT...as a pregnant woman, DRUGS of any kind should NOT be used at all.....it can have more harmful effects on the baby.
Myself I have panic disorder and after 3 years of not getting them have gotten them again, and have had to go back on medication. If I were to get pregnant, even though I know i may be putting myself at risk of panic attacks...I also know that I would be putting my baby at more risk if I stayed on any medication.
I am and have in the past tried to work on alternate measures to control my attacks, such as breathing techniques, petting my cats (they help lots!), listening to calming music, going for a walk, swimming, reading, painting.....things I like to do that I know can help me relax.
But I have to say that by you coming on here to seek support for your wife, she is very lucky to have a husband as concerned as you, and I am sure that you will do your best to help her. A lot of the time, the people who care about you (those who have panic/anxiety) can be of greatest support. Maybe you can surprise her with a hot bubble bath with candles, and soft music..give her a massage....or just sit in a park and watch.
But, I want you to also know that having panic or anxiety to a point being pregnant is natural....and you should not worry too much. But please do not consider any medication at all....because that could seriously harm your child. ALSO...try singing to your wife and your unborn baby....I have heard that it can be soothing to sing to your unborn child...and it may also help your wife.
I hope this has been helpful, and take care!

11-12-12, 17:11
My wife was worried about this very same thing. After she read the blog post at http://arepanicattacksdangerouswhilepregnant.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-does-panic-attack-affect-my-unborn.html she was not worried anymore.

Ultimately, it depends on each individual. However, my wife feels pretty confident that she can handle it now and that our child will be just fine.

12-12-12, 09:15
Hi I agree with Shiv, the fact that she's worrying is more of a positive than a negative because quite frankly, there are some mothers who simply aren't bothered!
There's a midwife on here, she's recently posted on one of my threads, hopefully she will see you post and tell you directly what a midwife/doctor would be saying to this!
Im sure you'll be fine, anxiety is a part of life it's just that for some of us, it's just that bit harder. No way will they take the baby away, they will proberbly be more concerned that your wife remains healthy and anxiety free- as much as is possible.

Anyway:flowers: congratulations