View Full Version : Head rush/vibration

Natalie x
22-11-10, 13:47
Hi. Just a second ago i got a weird head rush or vibration in my head. Im not sure if it was because i looked down and then turned my head quickly. Im getting myself in a panic now. Can anyone give me some reassurance please? Thanks x

Natalie x
22-11-10, 14:21
Anyone please? x

22-11-10, 15:30
You probably got your neck in a odd position and this can def cause weird sensations - I have arthritis in my neck and have to be very careful how I move it and moving it suddenly can caue vertigo/ other weird sensations.

It does not soundl ike anything to worry about - I could write a list of weird head sensations!

22-11-10, 15:33
Does it ever make you feel like a squeezing sensation in your head countrygirl?

22-11-10, 16:52
I get this a lot and it scares me too. It's nothing to worry about :) x

22-11-10, 18:41
I really could write a long list of head symptoms from the tense muscles in my neck caused by the damage to my spine. I can get a feeling as if I am wearing a very tight hat across top of my head, I can get sudden feeling of intense pressure either in my temple or even in my face, I can get a feeling as if a centipede with hob nailed boots on is walking up my temple or as if something large and hairy!! is crawling from back of my head over top, sometimes I am so sure something is crawling in my hair I just have to grab my head in case or it feels as if my hair itself has suddenly moved like in a gale force wind. I can get a feeling as if someone is pulling my face down on one side but it looks normal I could go on and on:D and on top of the weird inner head sensation I have occasional vertigo as well and this is ALL because the herniated disc and arthrits makes my neck muscles tense plus of course the anxiety - i was told my neck muscles were like tight withered leather!

Natalie x
22-11-10, 22:27
Thanks for the replies guys. Im just trying my hardest not to think about it tbh! x

22-11-10, 23:25
Hi Natalie

I get these head rushes alot when my anxiety is bad. They are horrible but nothing to worry about

mandie x

22-11-10, 23:31
Everyone says they're nothing to worry about but what exactly are they?

23-11-10, 09:54
Everyone says they're nothing to worry about but what exactly are they?

they are like a rush of adrenalin

23-11-10, 10:35

My anxiety seems to come and go. I can be fine for a month and then it comes back :OS

When I was originally diagnosed with anxiety, I had that feeling in my head. It helped by inhaling over a bowl of hot water with my head under a towel. It must have just been the breathing but it did a great job in helping me