View Full Version : jelly belly / belly ache

22-11-10, 15:11
:scared15:just want to know if any1 panicks with upset tummys or just belly ache ??
not the being sick side, the other ( if u know what i mean ). its a vicious circle as anxiety brings on that feeling for me, yet i can feel fine have a tummy ache and then that brings on the panick attack !!! cant win !!
felt anxious all day because of waking up with this jelly belly, i hate it.. now i am wondering whether the vitamins cod liver oil tablets and b complex are to blame...or is it just mind over matter !!!! aaarrrghhh:scared15:

tracey c
22-11-10, 15:31
Hi, for nearly 3 months now i've had diarrohea every morning! I'm presuming it's IBS, so I'm just trying to watch what I eat - plain foods mainly! I started taking extra vits 1 month ago, so for me it's not the vits causing it. I just think our systems are so overloaded that its just another way of the body coping so I try not to worry - I know I'll be like that every morning and because I'm expecting it then it's not too bad. Take care:)