View Full Version : Back in hell again :( Please help

22-11-10, 17:38

I have been ok for a few weeks now but things are getting so bad that I cant cope :( I have air hunger and keep needing to take a deep breath which I am finding hard to control, I do smoke but have cut down alot, sometimes I dont notice it when I busy but i'm finding it difficult to find a cure, I seem to always have this about a week before I am due on. I have PCOS I dont know if thats anything to do with it. Also why right leg keeps having a twitching spasm since saturday night :( oh my god I am so sick of this I just want to be normal if I have to live with symptom after symptom every over week I think I may just end it all I cant cope anymore :weep:

paula lynne
22-11-10, 18:19
Hi, Im sorry you feel so unwell x
I want to say well done for cutting down on the cigs...most people would say though if you feel like you are gasping for air, why smoke at all.
Its a distressing feeling but I promise you, you will get enough air, its involuntary, your lungs know their job so trust that you will get enough air.

You mention you are worse before a period, I wonder if its anxiety manifest as gasping for air..have you thought about asking your gp for a hormone test? My vertigo and palps are worse before a period, and with you its gasping for air...but underneath it all is anxiety.

I really hope you feel better soon, and I promise you, you will get enough air. Your lungs will do their job, they wont let you down x:hugs:

22-11-10, 18:21
Sorry to hear you're back to having a rough time, i can truely empathise with you on this one, i too have PCO and am trying to find any kind of link between PCO/PCOS and anxiety symptoms. Obviously hormone imbalance is going to throw up a whole ball park of emotions, and those with pcos have an imbalance to start with which isn't going to help. But hopefully it's some comfort to know you are not alone.
How long do these gasping episodes last? and what happens at the time/just after??
In relation to your leg, twitches can be caused by numerous things, ie - mineral depletion (magnesium, potassium), trapped nerves, stress, or even something as simple as tiredness.
I'm only speaking from opinion, have you spoken to your gp??

You're not alone, best wishes... Ducky

22-11-10, 18:35
thank you so much for your replies, and I appreciate your views with regard to smoking your completly right, It lasts for about a week before a period and then it goes away, I can take deep breaths I just keep feeling the need to take them and if for any reason I cant take one I panic. I've been to the doctors so many times over the past year. I have had ECG's and a full blood count all came back clear so I'm scared of going to the doctors again. When I stand up my heart seems to beat faster and that scares me aswel. I feel as though as soon as I stop keeping myself busy the symptoms start and I analyise them and get myself in to a state. I've been threw a relly bad time with all this over the past year and i'm pretrified of it happening agian i'm in constant fear of going back down that hole again as I was in a very dark placeand it really scared my and my family :weep: x

22-11-10, 18:38
I've just read that back and my spelling is terrible i'm sorry x

paula lynne
22-11-10, 18:43
Hiya, your heart rate goes up when you stand up, its blood pressure and this is normal x
So, you know its bad for a week before your period...this is good because now you can prepare. When you feel ok, write a list in big black letters so that when you get the gasping, it will reassure you...something like

Keep repeating this out loud when you are calm. Then, the week before your period if you feel breathless, get your list out, and say it out loud. our brain will remember you saying it when you were calm, and associate it with feelings of calm, that should help x:hugs:

22-11-10, 18:43
Aww I know what you mean with your last post. I've had a barrage of tests not too long back but the past few days have been bad.

I have had the feeling I can't breath properly and feel faint when I stand. I am just coming out of the end of my period. I feel like I'm suffocating a lot of the time.

My heart beats faster when I stand up too and when I sit down it feels like it slows down too much and then goes back to normal.

22-11-10, 18:54
Thank you so much for helping me I will do that list now, it's reassuring that you have the same. I have tried to get reassurance from people but its really worrying when they turn round and say 'no that never happens to me' then I feel even more panicy :blush: I often do wonder if PCOS has something to do with it? I've always felt sort of unbalanced if that makes sense! Just out of interest what symptoms do you get with PCOS? x

22-11-10, 19:43
PCOS... unbalanced... definately!!! And not just in the emotional hormonal sense, physically from one day to the next it's russian roulette as to how "bright" you feel, sometimes just wanting to stay away from the world for a day and crawl into a nice warm duvet and hide. But that might just be me, i also have thyroid problem so it might be that.
The other nice pcos symptoms i get... which are embarrassing in themselves and a huuuge part of anxiety are easy weight gain with very hard weight loss (again i don't know how much of that is tyroid related), hirsuitism (hair in places it shouldn't be for a woman... nice), acne (mostly around the jawline), irregular and sometimes non existant periods... the list goes on. I have found that i am more likely to get a racing heart/ectopic heartbeats around the time of my period... so i'm pretty sure it's the hormones and not an actual physical problem direct of the heart/lungs/ etc. This is the thought i cling to to keep sane. I hope you can soon find something to cling to, although it's hard going finding it.. it will happen, keep faith. :)

22-11-10, 21:18
I can really relate to that, I have all those issues and more.... lol On a real downer today, i've just been trying to take my mind off it but I feel so upset today, so far this year i've had a 'heart attack, brain tumor, blood clot, leukemia and now lung cancer'! Wondering what will be next I thought that I'd been through the list! Trying not to google any more. Don't really know what to cling on to at the moment. I'm glad to hear that you are doing better ducky as it really is so hard you should be proud! Do you still have panic attacks? My have stoped now (touchwood) but my axierty has taken on a whole new level! xx

23-11-10, 10:00
sorry to hear this is getting you so low. Mine hasn't really got any better or worse it's always there, i don't have regular panic attacks but the pounding heart and ectopic beats are my bugbear. However i have adopted a new way of thinking... not oh my god whats causing this i'm dying i need to get to hospital... but sticking 2 fingers up and saying it's happened before, it will happen again and when it does, i will get through it. As for googling things.... knowledge can be a very bad thing, and it's true sometimes ignorance is bliss.... i speak from experience, i am a nurse dealing with acute illness every day... yet it doesnt help me understand or deal with this any better than anyone else. I almost got into that same mindset of google a symptom.... at one point i had a tropical disease that is fatal in 48 hours...... turns out i had inflammation from a insect bite in the summer and a bit too much sun..... the mind can be your worst enemy at times, but i suppose it can best be explained as super heightened survival skill..... back in the day we needed the stimulation of fight or flight response to get away from the saber toothed tiger... now it giving us this response inappropriately.... another deep philosophical thought i sometimes say to myself.... does my saber toothed tiger actually exist?? or is it my mind being over protective of my body??.. wow i'm certainly deep today, must be the breathing excercises lol.
Hope you are having a better day today :)
Ducky x

23-11-10, 18:35
Hi Ducky
Hope you are ok today, you have a good way of thinking of things, I try to do the same but sometimes it just gets on top of you doesn't it! I did actually think that once I had all the symptoms and had been though all of them that I could start to not feel so scared of them, but it seems as though new symptoms are occuring all the time leading to depression. My breathing is ok today but now my leg keeps twitching and I keep having a muscle spasm :unsure: which is frightening me I've googled today and now in my my I have a brain tumor or MS...I'm 23 years old and feel like a complete nutcase, I cant really speak to friends or family in the fear that they think im mad! It must be hard for you being a nurse, they say knowledge is power but i'm not so sure... xx

23-11-10, 18:51
It is definately not power... just like Dr Google is a dangerous thing... there is a thread on here about symptom googling.. very nasty business, did u know that if you google the words cancer big toe it will actually tell you that u have cancer in your big toe?? I know it sounds like i silly way of looking at it but really, google is not a person, it cannot diagnose, the only thing it does do is throw up a load of random words that it has heard many times..... but because its easy to think of worst case scenario and because Dr google said so .... immediately thought... i'm dying. The symptoms of anxiety are (as i once heard someone say) the worst physical feelings a person can get without actual physical cause. But because of the nature of it, it is completely open to interpretation, and to an anxious mind that means worst cae scenario.
Im glad your breathing has been ok today, i have been practising some breathing techniques, every now and again through the day i have been taking some nice slow deep breaths, thinking of something that makes me smile then exhaling, doing it a few times, and then making myself yawn. It's amazing how a yawn can relax the body.
In reference to your twitching leg... another symptom of anxiety, or it could be a trapped nerve or mineral depletion (magnesium is the usual culprit) also if u like indian tonic water some types contain quinine (it will be on label) it has been show to help 'twitchy leg' people sometimes get when they go to bed. Just a few ideas to have a think over.... all io bet seem much easier to handle than the scary google "wisdom"

:) xx

23-11-10, 19:00
Oh and for a bit of comfort, feel free to pm me anytime if u need to talk about anything, it's not nice having noone to talk to about it, i've only really got my bf to talk to, and by the way im only 25 so i know how u feel with people thinking you're going mad because you're too young to be at risk of many things..... still, this site is great for that kind of thing, no judgement and mutual understanding. :) xx

23-11-10, 19:11
Thank you so much Ducky, I didn't realise you were so young! My boyfriend does help me but at my worst he just couldn't understand it and got a bit angry about it, he couldn't understand because we both have so much to look forward to, so I'm a bit worried about doing his head in! I asked him about the leg twitching last night and he said that he has it all the time, I can actually see it move for like 10 seconds its happened about 20 times a day since sunday! :scared15: Wow what you said about google is scary! I actually didn't use my pc at all for about three weeks at my worst that did help, I find now that even when I'm excited it sets me off into a panic! I had councelling but it didnt seem to help as she gave me no reassurance apart from telling me to deep breath all the time and dragging up the past was just leaving me drained and upset. Sending lots of hope and best wishes xx

23-11-10, 19:20
I get the excitement panic too!!! lol it's all adrenalin. we have programmed our body to be hyper sensitive to adrenaline which is the reason our breathing gets quicker and heartrates increase.. can u feel when you're having a sudden feeling of rush before the panic?? thats the adrenalin kicking in, that is when i do my deep breathing. And i'm pretty sure thats why your muscles twitch. have you ever been for a good long walk and sat down... then the legs twitch for a little while i get that quite alot. I sometimes just give the muscle a massage and it goes or eases.
It is so hard for people to understand when they haven't been through it, thank god for this website :) xx