View Full Version : scared, stressed, and going a bit crazy.

22-11-10, 18:53
Hello all,

Im a 25yo female from southeast england. Been having panic attacks for the past 3 months, seemed to trigger off nasty ectopic beats (or just make me aware of them) which i get frequently everyday.
As soon as they started i quit smoking (cold turkey) stopped drinking alcohol, stopped consuming caffeine, deep fried foods and anything with artificial sweetners. I am overweight by about 4 stone but at 6ft for a woman i carry weight in proportion - and yes i go to the gym 4 times a week (until recently) i only have half a thyroid (removed half 6 years ago due to benign tumour) i also have PCO/PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) so find it incredibly hard to shift the weight but very easy to put it on. Recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism as the bit i have left is starting to fail. Anyway.... i have a very stressful job (who doesn't nowadays) and this seems to give me bad acid reflux and i also have a diagnosed hiatus hernia (i could do with a fair few new parts). I am here to hopefully give and recieve a bit of support with the nasty life messing symptoms of anxiety/depression and the all dreaded ectopic beats.
Look forward to talking to some fantastic but scared people, and who knows we could cure each other (wouldn't that be nice) :yesyes:

Ducky xxx

22-11-10, 18:54
Hi Ducky85

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-11-10, 18:57
Welcome Ducky, I only arrived last night and everyone here has been fabulous :)


23-11-10, 19:11
thanks guys!! u know what it's only been 24 hours and im already dealing with my anxiety problems better, love this site, and the great people i've met already :)

23-11-10, 19:20
hi ahd :welcome: to nmp

24-11-10, 23:15
welcome to the board, I'm sure you will find lots of helpful support here x

25-11-10, 08:47
:welcome:I have found NMP to be really supportive and hope you do too:)