View Full Version : worried after cbt appointment!!!

22-11-10, 19:35
seen my cbt guy today...was trying to explain to him about this symptom i have when my head gets tight... like strained or in a vice it does not hurt as such but it feels tight and makes it difficult for me to think straight its as if i can feel the muscles behind my eyes i always thought that this was down to anxiety as when i forget about it, it seems to go away. i have had my eyes tested and there is nothing wrong with my vision. i also sometimes get pain above my eyes and the bridge of my nose. the thing is my cbt guy didnt understand what i meant which is making me worried! is this a symptom anyone eles gets? is it anxiety????? xxxx

22-11-10, 20:48
mmmm i start mine on friday. I have done counselling before and am trying to keep an open mind but i struggle a little bit. If these people haven't experienced our symptoms how can they help us????

sorry that's not really helping but its my concern.

i bet ur headache is because ur muscles are tight. i get tension heads all the time
u need to learn a few basic yoga moves and breathing exercises and see if these help.

Let me know how u get on xxx

22-11-10, 23:17
I wouldn't worry too much that he doesn't understand "exactly" what you mean.... I work in mental health and also suffer with an anxiety disorder which really helps me understand what people mean or are trying to explain. If someone has never experienced an anxiety disorder they can learn the theory of things and the most common symptoms but will nto have the insight into each symptom. It definetly sounds like anxiety to me and I know some of my symptoms are hard to describe. Also, is the guy definetly a cbt therapist? Sometimes people have training in CBT skills and aren't properly trained, so it may be worth ensuring he is xx

23-11-10, 00:15
I would say that it is almost certainly anxiety related. Especially if it goes away when you don't focus on it. The fact that you do focus on it at times, may be as much to do with why it affects your ability to concentrate as the sensation itself. Have you thought about yawning? Force yourself to start and the body's automated system kicks in ( in fact thinking about yawning makes you yawn!) - it may relax some of the facial muscles... worth a go?

23-11-10, 22:08
lajjj the signs that you describe are very similar to what sometimes happens to me- it may be to do with your Blood pressure creeping up which can cause head and sinus (above the nose) pain.
Mine have changed recently and now get chest pain and palps whoopee

23-11-10, 22:11
mmmm i start mine on friday. I have done counselling before and am trying to keep an open mind but i struggle a little bit. If these people haven't experienced our symptoms how can they help us????

Ditzy they dont need to have experienced it to help you work through it- CBT is all about identifying patterns/thoughts/behaviours and breaking them - as our thoughts and behaviours have gotten into bad habits when they have enough then they look at breaking the patterns which is the tricky bit. You learn your triggers and how to cope with them better.