View Full Version : Dread Walking?

17-03-06, 16:04

I am on 'overbreather' and i was wondering if anyone was scared of standing up or walking?

Some days i feel out of breath Some days i don't.

But i always think that when i stand up im going to feel out of breath and when i stand up and walk around i do.

Do you think this is anxiety.

Like take today. I don't really feel out of breath where as yesterday i did. But when im sitting here i dont get the feeling but as soon as i stand up and walk around i do.

Its weird though because sometimes like when im doing something which i have my mind focused on it goes but comes back if i finish doing it or something or i stop doing what i was doing.

Do you think this is Anxiety or something Else.

Im booked for doctors next monday :(

17-03-06, 16:09
If it's there when you're thinking about it and gone when you're not it's DEFINITELY anxiety

Shiv x

17-03-06, 16:16
Thanks Shiv,

But i just don't know anymore if i forget about it.

Its strange.

I mean i think i can but i dont know.

When i was painting this box thing it came back to me

But i can't remember a time when i have forgot about breathing since then.

I think i did it just a minute ago in the garage but i dont even know my brain is like 'wow' lol

17-03-06, 16:36

Shiv is right, this is anxiety you're experiencing.

You seem to be concentrating very hard on your breathing, which will make you more anxious. when I was in your place I overanalysed every moment and breath and tried to find patterns and keep records in my mind of when I had the problem and when I didn't. In doing this I gave the symptom 'life', if you can try (although I know it's so hard) to relax accept the symptom and keep occupied it will help. Gradually the symptom will become less frequent.

Good luck

Take time to smell the roses.

17-03-06, 17:10

funny you posting this..i was just trying to get out the door for a walk ..but am to scared to walk...

i mostly get this problemt when i think to much about it even when i dont think am thinking about it i still am if that makes sence....

it sound like anxiety to me but am no GP......

always loved never fotgotten..

17-03-06, 17:23
Hi again Jono

Of all the anxiety symptoms I have had over the years, I have managed to let most of them go. The one main area I have is standing up and walking. I always think I am going to collapse and when I walk I always get breathless and I feel lightheaded and think I am going to fall over. I am always looking for something to hold on to and even walking about the house can be difficult some days.


This might sound stupid but the next time you go to stand up to walk, try to distract yourself, sing to yourself, or say alphabet backwards, anything to stop focussing on how you feel. Breathe from your abdomen and relax your shoulders.

Give it a go and see how its goes.

........life is for living not just for surviving

17-03-06, 18:40
great advice just been for walk yes feel soo dizzy all the way and still do ...but i did it and as you sayed try to think of something else...

you wnat to go for walk with me everyday? just for 2min... and try and face it?

always loved never fotgotten..