View Full Version : I need help scared!

22-11-10, 20:29
Sorry to post again but I can't relax, I'm so fidgetty and feel like my minds going crazy. I just seem to get worse I'm so scared I'm going to lose control. I'm sorry to post again just need to talk x

22-11-10, 20:33
Hi haley, you aren't going to lose control. I'm here if you want a chat x

22-11-10, 20:38
Thanks sammi allday long I have this feeling of dread. When I look at how much I use to do to now it scares me. I feel like all numb if that makes sense. I keep thinking I'm going to just completely lose it x

22-11-10, 20:41
I know what you mean hunni. Just try calm down a little. How's therapy going? X

22-11-10, 20:45
I have another appointment Thursday. Just hate feeling this allday and I've got worse. I'm just sooo scared.

22-11-10, 20:48
Aw hun sorry u feel this way I know it doesn't feel like it but it will get better xx

22-11-10, 20:50
I'm shaking. I just can't seem to cope. X

22-11-10, 20:52
Is there anyone home with you? X

22-11-10, 20:54
On my own at the moment. X

22-11-10, 20:57
it's just anxiety, I know it feels awful but it will eventually go away,
try playing a game, or watch tv , i find tearing up paper into tiny pieces helps slow my mind down x x

22-11-10, 20:57
Ok let's chat till someone comes home? X

22-11-10, 21:03
It's horrible. I just can't seem to accept the feelings and I'm allways imagining the worse if that makes sense. I feel sick.

22-11-10, 21:06
are you on any medication at all? sometimes when i get very bad and get stuck in an anxiety cycle, a sedative can help break it.
saying that last time i had very bad anxiety for 3 days, i thought i was losing mind, i was very scared, couldn't eat or sleep, i thought the feeling of dread would never go away :-(
but it did slowly ease off as the days past.
I found that being around people helped a lot.
also i think you may be experience that derealization and depersonalization too.
i'm sorry your feeling bad x and wish I could do more to help.

22-11-10, 21:06
Of course it makes sense that's what anxiety does to you we all feel like this at some stage. X

22-11-10, 21:10
Depersonalization Sufferers feel they have changed, and the world has become less real, vague, dreamlike, or lacking in significance. It can be a disturbing experience, since many feel that, indeed, they are living in a "dream".

Derealization is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems strange or unreal. Other symptoms include feeling as though one's environment is lacking in spontaneity, emotional colouring and depth

22-11-10, 21:13
I'm on 10mg of escitalopram, would love diazepam tho :-( my minds going blank and spacey x

22-11-10, 21:19
I'm struggling with escitalopram too. And I love diazepam but my doc won't give me anymore lol

22-11-10, 21:19
My arms feel all heavy x

22-11-10, 21:19
thats just because of the adrenaline in your body,
your probably tired too from being stressed all day :-(
try cold water on your face, or moving about might help.
are you on your own for the night??

22-11-10, 21:19
Hey, just saw that youre still havin some trouble.. just wanted to let ya know that i know exactly how youre feelin right now. upset that you cant just go back to how you used to be, and upset that no matter what you do you just cant seem to get rid of constantly feeling like everything is just "off". Im still trying to find something that works to at least make it feel bearable. you might try burning a lavender candle, I found it just as relaxing as taking xanax to be honest. Hope youre feeling at least a little better!

22-11-10, 21:20
they "feel" heavy, if you can lift them up, then it's just anxiety hun, it can cause so many symptoms x x
your going to be ok x


22-11-10, 21:25
Thanks everyone for being so kind. My minds gone blank. I just can't seem to cope with the symptoms. I'm in bed and tired but hate sleeping cos i than wake with dread again x

22-11-10, 21:29
it'd be good to get some sleep while you can, lavender oil/candles can be quite calming :-)
some times i fall asleep to the radio or the tv when i'm anxious.
we all get the same way when our anxiety gets bad, your doing the best you can do,

22-11-10, 21:31
I feel really out of it x

22-11-10, 21:31
Hi Hayley,

The thing is, all the things you’re describing are exactly what the body is meant to do when a person is scared of something. But this time there’s nothing really there to be scared about, only your mind doesn’t realise that.

I know this isn’t easy and will take a big leap of faith, but try to not be so scared and the feelings will start to go.

BTW, it’s a basic instinct to always think the worst when we’re scared. Back in caveman times it was better to think that rustling in the bushes was a hungry lion when it was only the wind, than the other way round.

Try and calm down,

22-11-10, 21:36
try to slow your mind down, find something to focus to on. like a game or a task or a book.
but keep posting if you need to x x

maybe even write down a list of your symptoms and how your feeling, and rate the anxiety of of 10 every half an hour.

i used to keep an anxiety diary and found it helpful.

22-11-10, 21:38
I'm tired, I might try sleep x

22-11-10, 21:45
hun i feel the sam e way if u need to talk pm me

22-11-10, 21:49
hope you sleep and wake up feeling better x

22-11-10, 21:54
Hi Hayley,

I'm feeling a lot of the same things as you (aside from heavy arms), it'll be OK :)


23-11-10, 17:31
how are doing today? x

23-11-10, 18:05
I've been out most of today so I'm feeling good at the moment. U ok? X

23-11-10, 18:14
aw thats great you went out and are feeling a bit better :-)

23-11-10, 19:29
I forced myself to get out. Went on a bus to my sisters to see my nephews than went and saw my brother and neice x

24-11-10, 13:37
oh wow you went on a bus, aw thats so good :-)
aw and you had a reward at the end by seeing your family !

24-11-10, 13:43
Im having a bad day today :-( x

24-11-10, 19:04
aw I had an ok morning but as usual i start to get anxious in the evenings :-(
how you feeling??
have you found anything that helps?
sometimes i do some online window shopping as a distraction