View Full Version : Is this really anxiety.... please help!

22-11-10, 22:33
Hi everyone, I am new to all this and terrified of my symptoms. It started off with palpatations, I had a 24hr ECG and heart scan which came back normal. I have had numerous bloods, all good. My doctor said I was suffering from stress but I couldn't understand why, I got myself chewed up and very low trying to figure it out. I am now recovering from pneumonia but its left me with awful thoughts, constant headaches, dizziness & feeling sick, I also get numbness in my right leg, left arm and face on a daily basis. When I wake up I feel sick and it feels like all my organs are trembling inside me, I get extreme tiredness and think i'm going to collapse because my legs can't carry me anymore. My doctor now says that I'm suffering from health anxiety but like so many others on here, I don't believe it. I'm worried sick and would like to ask if these symptoms really sound like anxiety??... I haven't felt normal for ages and its taking its toll, I cry a lot and fear depression or a break down. Any comments would be much appreciated, Thanks, Michelle :scared15:

22-11-10, 22:38
Sorry you're feeling low. It does sound like a very familiar story.

I think the fact that you've been unwell with pneumonia would also contribute to you feeling low. When we suffer illnesses it kicks us when we're already down.

I think you need to take heart in your test results (I am one who is a non believer as well) and try and relax and get better.

When I am relaly bad I suffer the trembling inside, feeling like every day is a struggle and desperately just wanting a chink of feeling better to make you feel a bit more positive.

paula lynne
22-11-10, 22:44
Hiya, I think all of us who suffer panic and anxiety felt like you do when we first got ill. You can do a lot to help yourself by reading some self-help books, listening to tapes/cds, learning to use oils, breathing techniques to correct the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance, read up about foods etc, gentle exercise etc....

Knoweldge is power, the more you know about anxiety and panic, the less of it grip it has on you, and it does get better I promise. Acceptance is the key, youve had lots of tests and they are fine. Now you need to accept that anxiety is awful yes, but it cant hurt you. Check out Amazon for "Feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers, Ive been listening for 10 years and its really helped me. Get well soon x:hugs:

23-11-10, 07:44
Thank you both for your comments, I guess I've got a lot of work to do, once again I've woken up with the horrible feelings and it's times like this that I find it hard to accept its anxiety and not something more sinister. I have downloaded "Feel the fear and do it anyway" I'm going to listen to it while I'm working today. Also ordering the book and looking into oils etc, thanks Paula.

I'm also using patches to help me stop smoking, this may be heightening some of my symptoms but can't be sure because I felt bad beforehand.

I've been taking Filisa for a few days now and haven't noticed any changes as yet, hoping this will help eventually, my doctors not convinced by it but after trying Citralopram which wasn't right for me I want to try alternative therapies and self-help.

Thanks again :hugs:xx

23-11-10, 08:19
Having an equally bad start to the morning so though I'd just say hi.

Where did you download that from?

I woke up thus morning feeling duck, dizzy, fearful and I have set myself up fir a fall feeling this this so early on. I feel weak and generally blah.


23-11-10, 08:20
Meant to add citalopram didn't work for mr either so I am desperate to stat away from meds at all costs.

23-11-10, 08:30
Morning dodo, sorry to hear your feeling bad today, I can't shake it off no matter what I do :weep: no more meds for me either, never again!

I got the audio from Amazon hun.

Off to work shortly, that takes my mind off things a little bit, don't know whether I'll ever fully understand this anxiety that gets a grip on so many people, its just awful.

Hugz :hugs:xx