View Full Version : Constant ringing in ears

23-11-10, 03:25
Hey everyone, well my fear of a brain tumour is growing more by the day. Lately my ears have been ringing for at least a few hours a day constantly, when they finally stop, its not for long. Its mostly my right ear and its driving me insane!! My ears have also been hurting a lot deep inside, feeling pressured, mostly in my right ear and it feels as though I have reduced hearing in that ear too and I'm worried it could mean a brain tumour now that this is happening along with my headaches that I'm getting everyday, nearly all day. Has anyone else had this? Its been like this for about a month or two now, but its been getting worse by the day. Help me anyone? :unsure:

23-11-10, 05:21
Yes, headaches, ear ringing, lightheaded, ears feeling full, and more...finally realized it was all due to TMJ (a common jaw disorder) after discussing my symtoms with my dentist and doctor. They fitted me for a mouth gaurd to wear at night to stop the clenching/grinding while I sleep. Other than that, there wasn't much they could do for me. It has helped a lot with the headaches, and a little bit with the ear ringing, but I still do get it every now and then. Do you think you may have TMJ? Do you grind your teeth at night, wake up with headaches or ear pain? The nerve that is affected by TMJ is connected to your jaw, ears, head, neck and sholders. That is why many people with TMJ get multiple symptoms in various areas of the body. Hope this helps!

23-11-10, 22:19
Krystal, I have ringing in the ears all the time, from tinitus. If it's in one ear it's probably just some builtup ear gunk from lying one way in bed :)

She's been having headaches, luv. She also has a sore throat, which makes me think it might be to do with her eustachian tubes being blocked if there's ear pain as well.