View Full Version : Good Few Days/Week Now Feel Like Crap HELP :/

23-11-10, 10:51
so yeh as it says in the name iv been really good this past week geting up on time 7-8 in the morning takeing the dog out for a walk for an hour and tidying my room and stuff just geting on with things =] then 2day BANG brick wall:wall: i feel really desencetized if thats how you spell it? i feel really spaced out, i usealy pull through it and just carry on but 2day if feel like and stuck or sometihng... shall i just get on and do things hopeing the will beat it or...? i feel really on edge but dazed at the same time to really weird i know iv felt liek this b4 its just quite strong 2day :/ any suggestions? :wacko:

paula lynne
23-11-10, 10:55
Hi Shaggy, lots of people experinece desensitized/depersonalisation feelings, like youre not yourself, or looking out the worlds in a strange way, or your having an out of body type feeling.....if you use the search facility here and type in depersonalisation, loads of threads will come up with good info/advice on...hope you feel better. I know the feeling is horrible, but it wont harm you ok x

23-11-10, 11:00
cheers just hard to push though sometimes aint it especially when youv been doing so well,
i just feel like staying in bed all day but i know i dont want to and im not gonna just gonna have to man up i supose :/ lol =]

23-11-10, 14:20
Just like anxiety attacks can come on in waves, so does recovery. I notice that I'll be out and active for a few days and then I'm knocked back by another wave of anxiety that keeps me housebound for a few days.
You ARE on the road to recovery now, so it's a case of riding out those waves and getting to the beach at the end!

23-11-10, 14:22
thank you =]

23-11-10, 16:23
hey shaggy,

I go through this every time. Recovery is an ocean and you have to surf with the waves. Anxiety is a habit and it sometimes runs back and knocks on the door, you should use this opportunity to build an inner coach. Meaning realize that it's just anxiety and you've been here before and you'll be fine again.

Main thing is to not give in to the feelings, do not be afraid of them, it is trying to lure you back in. Just let it flow. Let yourself feel this way for a few days and it will go away, I promise. I know this from experience, before I used to just be in panic 24/7 when I started working on myself within months I started to feel much better. I learned a LOT in that time, these "setbacks" are the BEST time to get closer to your anxiety, to make yourself stronger. Remember to not fight your moods, just be with them and go on with your daily life and they will pass.

Setbacks are a key sign of recovery, remember that. There is no recovery without setbacks, but they DO get better. Think of them as higher lows ;)

23-11-10, 18:28
aha sweet yeh youv made it sound good cheers =]