View Full Version : Fed up with anxiety and panics

23-11-10, 12:30
Anxiety is with me 24/7. I never have a break from it. Some days are worse than others but it has been there every day for 2 years now. Maybe if I could feel well for just one day then it would give me some hope that recovery is possible.

I try to do everything to help myself...breathing exercises, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking, positive thinking, just started counselling, have increased meds but it still won't let up...please anxiety, just give me a break from these panics for 5 minutes!!!

It has consumed me and my life and I'm so scared that it is here to stay. Will I ever find the answer to get rid of it??

Nigel H
23-11-10, 12:39
It is totally possible to have anxiety dealt with and much swifter than you may have realised before now.

Look at this website and read the parts on Negative Emotions, Limiting Decisions/Beliefs and Anxiety (click on the section for each in the title banner)


The site is by Tad James who originated this methodology.

It is swift and highly effective - I know this from personal experience.

Let me know if you have any queries about how it works!
