View Full Version : What should I do

23-11-10, 13:09
I have gotten a little better today as to how I was a few days back but I'm still a nervous wreck. I am feeling generally anxious and feel exhausted and weak. I am due to be at work tomorrow and I just don't know what to do as a I don't want to call in sick but I know that I won't cope. Now I know here lies my problem as I am setting myself up for a fall saying that but I just can't face it.

My heart is racing on and off during the day and I am trying to accept it's anxiety but I just want to sit here and cry. I feel like a complete basket case as one minute I can play with my child and another minute I'm sat sobbing or feeling like I'm being suffocated.

23-11-10, 13:18
Bless ya dodo I know what your going though it's so hard. How long have you been off work? I had 8 months off with anxiety been back 10 months now but it's still so hard but it gets me out of the house. I had to come home today though as I'm so dizzy and worked myself into a panic. I should have stayed really and let it pass. I feel so exhausted so much, anxiety is an awful thing.
Not sure what to suggest to you but just want to wish you all the best and sending positive thoughts to you.
Try if you can to go on and just take it minute by minute, I usually say to myself in a morning ok I feel rubbish as usual hearts going crazy, think my legs won't carry me and feel like passing out, but I will see how I am at break time then usually manage to get to break then the same goes for lunch time.
If you can't do it don't beat yourself up.
Take care

23-11-10, 13:25
I'm not off work as such, I work part time. But had a bug panic attck at work last week and it's been downhill since then.

The skipped heart beats are fueling it and keeping it going as I just can't accept that they're normal.

The dr says there are no more tests I can have, I've had ECG, echo and treadmill. I still think a problem might havebeen missed if it wasnthappening at that time, like af or sad or some sort of irregularity.

23-11-10, 13:30
I have had skipped beats for years they not nice but won't harm you. I know how you feel though when I first started with them I got myself so worked up I was a mess. Like you had the tests and all ok.

paula lynne
23-11-10, 13:48
Hi dodo, I really emathise. I suffer with ectopic beats and palps everyday. Its taken me ages to accept they wont hurt me, but once I did, I swear...they kinda got a little better, because I didnt care whether they happened or not. Your heart will continue to beat its regular sinus rhythm, the extra beats are like a drummer beating out of time with the rest of the band. This will NOT affect your regular sinus rhythm.

Try some distraction for the rest of the day. I know its hard, Ive got a child myself. Dont give up. Try lavender, music, a bath, breathe into a paper bag, call a friend, have a good cry, go for a walk...ANYTHING except sitting down and letting this overwhelm you. I hope you feel better soon, sending love x:hugs:

23-11-10, 15:18
Thank you guys you are all so nice.

I just went out for a walk. It was tough. It was very cold and as soon as I started walking I got a pain in my neck on both sides which freaked me out as it was happening every time I breathed in. Then I realised it must be from breathing invent cold air.

Anyway I was ok while I wad walking but it's when I stop that I start to gave breathing trouble again.

But I made it back and feel better for it.

Still a little unsure about tomorrow but thank you for your kind words.

23-11-10, 15:58
How about doing a deal with yourself that you'll take it an hour at a time? You could always explain that you've come back because you don't really want to be off sick worrying yourself silly at home, but you're not sure if you're completely OK. That way, you could go back and see how you are, with the proviso that if you start feeling panicky, you wait at least 10-15 minutes before you decide to do anything concrete about it. Jeez, sometimes I wish I could take my own advice!!!

23-11-10, 16:14
Lol blueangel I;m the same. Great at giving advice, not so good at taking it myself!