View Full Version : long time lurker having a bad time again...

23-11-10, 13:10
Hello all....dont normally post on here but read all the time...

suffering with health anxiety for years now...sparked off by losing my mum about 7 years ago (7th dec 2003)

felt like ive lost my mind countless times.....then had a good 2 years where i thought i had beaten this...but over the last 2 years slowly started to spiral out of control again...to the point where im fully on alert of every little thing again, which is now causing issues with me at work and seems its pushing my long term girlfriend away fom me....how she has put up with me for this long i dont know....anyway sorry for the life story....:)

recently been feeling a little sick and thirsty all the time, lost a bit of weight, going the loo etc - yes i did the worst thing again looked at google for my issues....seems it could be diabetic related....wound myself up to the hilt now...but sooo worried to go to the docs....cant handle blood tests (incase they find something huge out by mistake ....stupid i know) been countless times over the years and they always see me as the worrier and just put it down to anxiety....feel like im stuck in the horrible loop again and its driving me mad...so much that i had to post on here....got that feeling that docs dont believe me anymore so its a waste of time going.....

im sorry for this post , and im sorry if its in the wrong place but im having a very bad few days again....makes me feel a little better knowing there are others around in the same place.....

thank you and sorry for boring you at the same time :)

23-11-10, 13:21
Hi Hypoman, sorry you are so worried. While the symptoms you have might be consistent with diabetes, all of them can also be produced by anxiety, I think. But there's only one way to find out, so no matter how hard you find it (I'm sure they think the same of me at my surgery) you really should get back to the doc. Sorry!

23-11-10, 13:31
Hi Hypoman, sorry you are so worried. While the symptoms you have might be consistent with diabetes, all of them can also be produced by anxiety, I think. But there's only one way to find out, so no matter how hard you find it (I'm sure they think the same of me at my surgery) you really should get back to the doc. Sorry!

thank you for the reply JaneC....:)

i know deep down that i must go....i just laugh to myself so much because years ago a trip to the docs would hold no fear at all...even the more 'delicate' issues i just strode in and got it sorted....

its amazing how a few years can change your whole character...im just a bag of nerves nowadays....half the man i used to be to steal a line....

paula lynne
23-11-10, 13:42
Hi welcome aboard x
You must go to the doctors, diabetes is completely treatable. I know its hard with anxious feelings and when terror grips you, but its something youve really got to do.
I was forced into the job center yesterday, and my gran just died. You can imagine my anxiety, and Im agoraphobic! You know what, I did it. Felt crap for a while, but I did go and face it, and Im here to tell the tale. You can do it.

Once the possible diabetes is sorted, we can help you with your anxiety and everything that comes with it. Youre not alone ok. X:welcome:

23-11-10, 13:59
thank you paula....and im sorry to hear about your gran aswell....

just cant believe how i have become because of this damn anxiety....just stupidly afraid of being fobbed off again with the 'its your anxiety again' tried a few doctors in the same gp's...they all seem to go off my previous history....maybe its my own fault for going the docs so much when i was in a real bad state...although i thought every visit was needed to figure out stuff....id of gone madder if i had not gone....now its the horrible 'its real this time' feeling.....just puts you off....

23-11-10, 14:24
hi hypoman, i convinced myself i had diabetes this time last year as i noticed i always went for a widdle in the night and i was thirsty more, (central heating, of course!) but i worked myself up so much that i went to my local pharmacy and had a quick diabetes test, it was so quick in about 30 seconds they told me i was completely fine! you may find this environment less daunting and they only are testing your blood sugar level so you needn't worry about them looking for anything else in your blood. hope you find reassurance soon, take care, AP

Hazel B
23-11-10, 14:30
Hi, I agree with everyone else, the only way you will know is to be brave and get tests. You should not feel a burden to your GP, that's what they are there for, and anxiety is a recognised condition so it should be treated in all seriousness.

My anxiety started when I had an undiagnosed health problem but before that I lost my Mum, Uncle, job and was in a car crash, so it had built up. I had Propranolol to calm the physical aspect of anxiety and counselling to help me sort out my demons, I'm much better than I was but not fully "me" yet.

There is a lot your GP can do to help, and I would consider changing to someone kinder if you feel fobbed off.

Hope you fell better soon.

23-11-10, 14:50
hi hypoman, i convinced myself i had diabetes this time last year as i noticed i always went for a widdle in the night and i was thirsty more, (central heating, of course!) but i worked myself up so much that i went to my local pharmacy and had a quick diabetes test, it was so quick in about 30 seconds they told me i was completely fine! you may find this environment less daunting and they only are testing your blood sugar level so you needn't worry about them looking for anything else in your blood. hope you find reassurance soon, take care, AP

a few people mentioned the central heating thing and to be fair the amount of time ive been haviing this issue is since the heating's been on more...maybe it is making me more thirsty which in turn would mean more toilet trips???....plus also in the last 2 months ive quit alcohol, started with me having an infection and having pills for 2 weeks but felt id be doing myself a favour by cutting the booze for a while as this can feed the anxiety....maybe your right about the enviroment...that could be a good idea but like other posters have said i have to pluck up the courage to go the GP's....thank you for your reply means alot...

Hi, I agree with everyone else, the only way you will know is to be brave and get tests. You should not feel a burden to your GP, that's what they are there for, and anxiety is a recognised condition so it should be treated in all seriousness.

My anxiety started when I had an undiagnosed health problem but before that I lost my Mum, Uncle, job and was in a car crash, so it had built up. I had Propranolol to calm the physical aspect of anxiety and counselling to help me sort out my demons, I'm much better than I was but not fully "me" yet.

There is a lot your GP can do to help, and I would consider changing to someone kinder if you feel fobbed off.

Hope you fell better soon.

thank you for your reply...i remember being offered counselling after my mum but i battled this on my own and thought that i had won until recently again...:mad:

i just wish that the docs would gimme some more time when ive gone there...seems im rushed through and out the door again...used about 4 of the 7 docs there....like i said in a previous post fell like there just going off my past track record.....will just have to suck it up and get an appointment asap....

23-11-10, 16:18
Well indeed, drinking more will incrase your urine output and in winter we are not sweating it out.

I am pretty sure that docs can test for diabetes through a wee sample which would be non invasive. Obviously if something showed as an irregularity then other tests might be ordered, but think of the concequences of people who ignore diabetes. I won't scare you with them but it's better to get it sorted now than to leave it festering.

And of course as has been said, anxiety means more trips to the toilet.

23-11-10, 16:26
Well indeed, drinking more will incrase your urine output and in winter we are not sweating it out.

I am pretty sure that docs can test for diabetes through a wee sample which would be non invasive. Obviously if something showed as an irregularity then other tests might be ordered, but think of the concequences of people who ignore diabetes. I won't scare you with them but it's better to get it sorted now than to leave it festering.

And of course as has been said, anxiety means more trips to the toilet.

the bit in bold worries me...what if the docs just put it down to anxiety?? and its not??

23-11-10, 16:33
if you go into the docs and say, i would like to be tested for diabetes, they will not question it. they cannot ignore such a thing, and it's a very easy test. if you went to the doctors and horribly they did ignore you, you could then go to a pharmacy and get tested with no questions asked :)

23-11-10, 16:34
also i hope you don't mind me asking but did you drink a lot? if so did you quit cold turkey as this can cause quite a few side effects too. x

23-11-10, 16:36
Diabetes is not difficult to spot, they wouldn't miss something like that and put it down to anxiety. Honest.

Also the opticians can pick up on stuff like that. My grandad got diagnosed that way.

23-11-10, 16:37
Also I didn't say that to scare you, I'm so sorry, I just think it's such an easy test to get done.

Like pp said the chemist does it too and you get home testing kits for such things.

23-11-10, 16:40
if you go into the docs and say, i would like to be tested for diabetes, they will not question it. they cannot ignore such a thing, and it's a very easy test. if you went to the doctors and horribly they did ignore you, you could then go to a pharmacy and get tested with no questions asked :)

i see what your saying...i have a habit of starting the convo like this...

hello ive been worrying about blah blah blah.....:)

not the most direct of people nowadays :D

also i hope you don't mind me asking but did you drink a lot? if so did you quit cold turkey as this can cause quite a few side effects too. x

i would say i drank nearly everyday...4-6 cans a night maybe plus weekends off id have a few more....gave up for the reason of the pills but also for the good health side of things drinking alot is not good....would stopping drinking cause some weight loss?? im doing nothing more to get rid but alot of people are commenting thats ive lost weight....

edit - seemed to have replaced the booze with drinking more water

23-11-10, 16:53
yes, coming off the booze will cause you to lose weight, especially if you've been drinking beer - i expect you see you are losing your gut! people don't seem to realise the sugars and calories in alcohol. alcohol dehydrates your body so i think you will be experiencing that as an effect off coming off, but that's just what i know/have heard so could be wrong!!

try to be as direct as possible when you go in there - i'm the same at the doctors like i'm almost sorry i'm there or that i'm wasting their time...but that's their job at the end of the day so just come out with it :D

23-11-10, 16:56
And take a wee sample with you and you'll be one step ahead.

23-11-10, 16:59
yes, coming off the booze will cause you to lose weight, especially if you've been drinking beer - i expect you see you are losing your gut! people don't seem to realise the sugars and calories in alcohol. alcohol dehydrates your body so i think you will be experiencing that as an effect off coming off, but that's just what i know/have heard so could be wrong!!

try to be as direct as possible when you go in there - i'm the same at the doctors like i'm almost sorry i'm there or that i'm wasting their time...but that's their job at the end of the day so just come out with it :D

gut :) hips :) down a jean size tbh....just adding fruit to my diet a bit more....must be having a 30's crisis :D

instead of thinking great im losing weight seems im tagging it to some illness....because i never lose weight :mad:

i just got to get in the docs now....nightmare to get an appointment these days....

23-11-10, 17:00
And take a wee sample with you and you'll be one step ahead.

:yesyes: i might have to talk abit more in here than just read topics....you lot are top draw


23-11-10, 17:01
i know, i've just been trying to get one for a rash on my face - 'ring tomorrow' - ok, thanks!

no honestly, whenever my dad stops drinking for a month or so weight falls off of him, round the middle and round the face, hope this puts your mind at ease a bit!

23-11-10, 17:03
i know, i've just been trying to get one for a rash on my face - 'ring tomorrow' - ok, thanks!

no honestly, whenever my dad stops drinking for a month or so weight falls off of him, round the middle and round the face, hope this puts your mind at ease a bit!

thank you very much.....yeah i even triedto blag my way into the emergency clinic they have every morning but i think there wise to me now....


23-11-10, 17:05
maybe think about what i said initially then.. book an appt for in a couple of days to reassure you generally and then get to the chemist for a speedy answer!

take care,

Hazel B
23-11-10, 17:07
Do make the appointment, it's not easy but it will be worth it.

Coming off booze and anxiety will both make you lose weight, I lost 2 stone with anxiety and it made me worry there was something serious wrong. Turns out I have gallstones, am on the waiting list to get it sorted. I was so relieved when I got my diagnosis.

It will help to ease your mind if you see your GP, even ask for a double appointment if you feel you need more time. I also wrote things down and took the list with me so I could be coherent with my doctor and not forget anything.

23-11-10, 17:12
thank you hazel.....its a no brainer now ill have to make it....dont know why i even stop myself sometimes....just making excuses for myself i feel....damn anxiety.....

Hazel B
23-11-10, 17:14
It has to be better than worrying and fretting constantly! I'm sorry that your GP place sounds difficult, it makes it worse when you're anxious. The thought of doing something is always worse than when you are there.

24-11-10, 14:40
update on my way to the docs now....

couldnt get to see a doc but they put me into the express clinic....

fingers crossed :frown:

Hazel B
24-11-10, 14:48
Let us know how you get on........... well done for going!

24-11-10, 17:30
just got back....heads in bits.....

found sugar in my wee.....then did a test where they spike your finger.....

reading was 17.6......was told to wait in the room for a doctor....they have now made appointments for me to go to the diabetic clinic at the hospital tomorrow 1st thing......

scared....heads spinning.....:scared15:

Hazel B
24-11-10, 17:33
You've done the right thing for your health, I know it's a shock but if you do have diabetes, it can be treated. I have friends who cope with it and I forget sometimes that they have it.

Take care and hope it goes well tomorrow.

24-11-10, 18:46
thank you still in a tizz here......

just worried what tests there going to do and how my life is going to change now.....

Hazel B
24-11-10, 19:35
Try not to worry too much, I know that's easy to say! You'll be in safe hands with professionals.

Take care.

25-11-10, 12:14
Hello all....

well im type 1 accoring to the specialist ive seen today. http://www.diabetes-support.org.uk/forum//Smilies/sad.png

just come home with a goody bag full of stuff including a sharps bin, 2 sticks levemir and novorapid, loads of fingerprick strips, a bm counter, and keloid?? strips...

they did a bloodtest first thing and a fingerprick test = 10.9 and a keyloid test 5.6 http://www.diabetes-support.org.uk/forum//Smilies/huh.png which she said was high but not uncommom in new cases???

sat here about to make some wholemeal toast and do my first jab.....scared aint the word....heads spinning again scared of this hypo thing so much to learn....madness

thank you all for helping me beat the doctor issue....a new life starts here....

Hazel B
25-11-10, 12:17
Well done for facing it and getting help. It will all seem so odd and scary at first but I'm sure you'll adapt your life very soon and get it under control.

Hope you feel better soon.

25-11-10, 12:18
wow, i am so confused - did you know you have diabetes and that's why you are called 'hypoman'??

will they be helping you with your condition etc??

I am very glad you went to the doctors either way..

Take care

25-11-10, 12:31
wow, i am so confused - did you know you have diabetes and that's why you are called 'hypoman'??

will they be helping you with your condition etc??

I am very glad you went to the doctors either way..

Take care

you know what i never thought of it that way!!!! :D

hypo fair play thats cheered me up a little...

yes be back and to from hospital now i think till the end of days....great for someone who doesnt like the places :) have to get used to them now....

25-11-10, 12:35
sorry i wasn't joking - sorry that must have come across as insensitive! i just wondered what else your name meant??

i am really shocked you actually have diabetes, but thank goodness you plucked up the courage to go, and now you can get it all under control. You are taking positive steps forward, and we will all be here to support you every step of the way.

Take care

25-11-10, 12:44
Well done Hypoman, I know it's daunting but once you get the diabetes under control you should feel a whole lot better. make sure you look after yourself :hugs:

25-11-10, 13:54
sorry i wasn't joking - sorry that must have come across as insensitive! i just wondered what else your name meant??

i am really shocked you actually have diabetes, but thank goodness you plucked up the courage to go, and now you can get it all under control. You are taking positive steps forward, and we will all be here to support you every step of the way.

Take care

dont worry about it....found it very funny tbh....

worst part is my heads just full of new info and its hard to take on sometimes....

and thank you JaneC....really glad i stopped lurking and posted....really helped me make the appointment....just hope i live well with it....

25-11-10, 13:59
.just hope i live well with it....

I hope you do too and it can be done. My dad was type 1 for about 20 years (diagnosed in his late 50s) and really wasn't too bad, the odd hypo here and there but no more than that. It'll take time to get your head round everything but you'll get there x