View Full Version : Ectpoic beats - SOOOO Scared!

23-11-10, 14:26
I went for a walk earlier today. I stopped in a shop for a few mins and i got a giant flutter and thump in my chest. Walked it off, wasn't too woried then again **FLUTTER** ...THUMP! I managed to shrug it off somehow.

Got home and reached up to grab a plate **FLUTTER**...THUMP X3!!! In a row. Got a bit worried after this if I'm honest. In the next 5 mins after, I had another one. 20 mins later, I had a very strong awareness of my heart beating in my neck, lump like feeling in throat and mild chest pain. I got REALLY REALLY worried.

Rang my doctor, said I can come down tonight at 6.30. I am so scared though. Keep thinking I have a deadly arrhythmia that hasn't been picked up. I've had many ECG's (The last one was about 4/5 months ago) an ECHO, 24Hr holter, chest x-ray's etc... How likely is it that these symptoms are down to me having an arrhythmia? I can't think sensible, I really can't. Just keep thinking I'm gonna drop dead!

23-11-10, 14:43
Have you read the section on palpitations?
I read it this morning and found it really useful :)

23-11-10, 14:46
Yeah I've read it before, just read it again. It does help
Thanks. :)

23-11-10, 15:02
The more you think about it the more they happen! I hate them with a passion. I notice that when I'm more physically active they happen more, or if I've had a period of higher anxiety for the next few days I'm more prone to them too.
Feels like someone has punched me in my chest.

23-11-10, 15:34
I really feel for you as this is what is happening to me right now.

I hope everything goes well and please come back later and let us know how you get on.


23-11-10, 15:39
I have just read that artical, I had never seen it before, and it is very interesting. It appeals to my logical mind :) It certainly does make a lot of sense and explains to me why I got them in the hospital after giving birth and no one batted an eyelid when I mentioned it!

23-11-10, 19:39
Went to the doctor. Feel worse to be honest.

Told him what happened he said I'd need to have the palps caught on a holter to be able to see if they were anything to worry about. Despite having all of my other tests.

He said my pulse was quite high 113bpm, but I always get anxious when in the doc surgery, it's only 85bpm now.

He asked me when my appointment with the cardiologist was (he referred me to another cadi a few months ago, he's a specialist) I said May and he said " If you have a serious heart problem you could be dead by then" I nearly cried.

He sent me away with a prescription for new beta blockers as the other ones didn't agree with me.

Forgot to mention, when I came in and told him what was up he asked me if I wanted him to send me to hospital... I said I didn't know, that's what I was there for to see if it was anything to worry about.

Told him that it could just be my anxiety and he said, "But we don't really know, which came first the chicken or the egg..." WTF!!!? I feel sooooooo sad and scared now!!!


23-11-10, 20:06
Aw hun, some doctors are awful - a sympathy bypass.. I've had some really nasty ones - one even asked me what do I get out of self harming, do I enjoy it? :doh::lac:

As far as I'm aware an ECG and an echo will catch any serious heart problems - and usually, an ECG is enough not to worry. The charity for SADS only screen with ECGS - then go on to do an echo if that's abnormal. If they are the main charity for it and this is what they reccomend then please, please try not to worry :hugs:

I feel so awful for you, that's so unfair of your doctor :(

Can you maybe ring NHS direct, BHF heart helpline (in the morning), your surgery in the morning and ask them to reccomend a more sympathetic doctor?

I'm so sorry it didn't go well. Please try not worry, it will honestly be fine I'm sure. Ectopics are so so normal in people with anxiety :) and even in people without.

You and I sound very similar, similar worries haha...

I'm trying to calm down after seeing my GP tonight, I trust her 99% and she's only given me an ECG and isn't worried (the other 1% is coming haha) (and she's had a heart abnormality herself sooo...). I honestly wouldn't worry too much :)

Have a look at CRY's website, really reassuring - give them an email even...

You've helped me before with these worries :) you told me an ECG would pick up anything serious :winks: so I'm saying it back :)

Hope you feel better soon, I'm always here if you need someone to listen :) :bighug1:xxx
Edit: I wonder if you've met said doctor before? Sometimes they don't read your history - and just make assumptions.

23-11-10, 21:39
Oh hun, that is so so horrible of them. I cannot believe Drs sometimes. When I was in hospital with my gallstone complications one of the consultants said to me, 'you're lucky, I've seen people die of pancreatitis'. You can imagine how I felt after that. They have had no training in bedside manner I am sure. Can you see someone else there next time? I would seriously not go back to someone who spoke to me like that.

Try and relax, although I know that's easier said than done. Have you had many more since your first post?

23-11-10, 22:50
Aw hun, some doctors are awful - a sympathy bypass.. I've had some really nasty ones - one even asked me what do I get out of self harming, do I enjoy it? :doh::lac:

As far as I'm aware an ECG and an echo will catch any serious heart problems - and usually, an ECG is enough not to worry. The charity for SADS only screen with ECGS - then go on to do an echo if that's abnormal. If they are the main charity for it and this is what they reccomend then please, please try not to worry :hugs:

I feel so awful for you, that's so unfair of your doctor :(

Can you maybe ring NHS direct, BHF heart helpline (in the morning), your surgery in the morning and ask them to reccomend a more sympathetic doctor?

I'm so sorry it didn't go well. Please try not worry, it will honestly be fine I'm sure. Ectopics are so so normal in people with anxiety :) and even in people without.

You and I sound very similar, similar worries haha...

I'm trying to calm down after seeing my GP tonight, I trust her 99% and she's only given me an ECG and isn't worried (the other 1% is coming haha) (and she's had a heart abnormality herself sooo...). I honestly wouldn't worry too much :)

Have a look at CRY's website, really reassuring - give them an email even...

You've helped me before with these worries :) you told me an ECG would pick up anything serious :winks: so I'm saying it back :)

Hope you feel better soon, I'm always here if you need someone to listen :) :bighug1:xxx
Edit: I wonder if you've met said doctor before? Sometimes they don't read your history - and just make assumptions.

Thanks Hun! :)

That was a lovely post.

I'm definitely changing doctors. This is only the second time that I've seen him. I usually see the other doctor that's based in the same building but to be honest he's not much good either. My sister said her dctor is really nice so I'm going to change to her.

I honestly couldn't believe the things he said to me. I felt like crying. I thought he would say "You're fine, don't worry" but I practically got the opposite. I don't understand what condition he thinks that I have? I've had over 30 ECG's, ECHO, Holter, you name it! I know I get anxious over my heart still, but I'm the one suffering form anxiety, not him. And he knows it too, so he was really unconsiderate.

I've looked on that CRY website, for me it's good and bad to look at as I get drawn into the 'My Story' section http://www.c-r-y.org.uk/my_story_loss.htm and see how sooooo many young people have died suddenly, some having been screened already, which REALLY scares me! But I see your point, if a charity are happy enough to just do an ECG and possibly an ECHO then they are obviously satisfactory tests to diagnose any heart problem that could cause SADS. But apparently my doctor thinks otherwise!!!

Thanks again Daisycake xxx

Thanks Dodo, some doctors are just insensitive aren't they?
I'm going to try change doctors, I don't need to be spoken to like that especially being someone that suffers from anxiety.

Thanks again xxx