View Full Version : GP Visit for lump

23-11-10, 17:28
So...a couple of a days ago I found a lump on the right side of my breast. It's painful to touch (not sure if thats just because I keep poking at it or not).

I just got back from the doctors - he checked me and said theres definitely a lump but it doesn't feel like it's anything sinister.
He did however say wait until after my next period (I came off my period 2/3 days ago) and if it's still there (or gets bigger in the meantime) to go back and he'll refer me.

I'm obviously still really worried and not sure what to do :( What if he's wrong?

Help! :weep:

23-11-10, 18:33

23-11-10, 18:41
They usually know what they're looking for, more so with your boobs than anything else I would suppose! My mum has had a lump in hers before and it turned out it was because she knocked it on the door!! :) It could easy be a sebaceous cyst (I have a few of them - not necessarily on my boobs but they can occur anywhere) and they are painful, the norm is that you leave well alone or take antibiotics to get it to go down! Sure you are fine, trust your GP - they know what they are doing xx

26-11-10, 10:19
Yes I agree, doctors seem to know a cancerous lump when they feel one. :) It is most likely a cyst - I had one too and had to have it drained at the breast clinic. If it's a cyst it might not disappear,mine didn't anyway but I don't think a few weeks is going to make it any worse. I found my lump in November and it was the end of January when I was referred to the breast clinic.