View Full Version : feelin scared again

23-11-10, 19:57
sry guys i keep postin this but its scarin me a lot i get the feelin of being out of breath but now im feelin like this when lying down i feel like im suffocating and cant breath is this anx im also 3 months pregnant but the breathin thing is freakin me out i put loads of pillows to lift me but still get the suffocating feelin like i cant breath properly does any one else get this when lyin down or is it just me ned some reassurance pls im gettin scared with it

23-11-10, 21:41
I do think it's anxiety yes. I have had this problem the past few days and the more you think you can't breathe, the worse it gets. Have you got any relaxation cds you can do? WHen I was pregnant I had one which was specifically for preparing for the birth and the music and talking in it was really calming.

23-11-10, 22:37
thanks dodo i have a cd but the voice is so manotinus it doesnt do anything for me i thought i beat this feeling once but now when i try to sleep i feel im suffocating its so frustrating i cant lie on my side cos i feel worse when i do it i hate this feeling i cant seem to relax and sleep thanks for replying i feel so alone and scared

24-11-10, 14:03
Ahhh hon :( I'm sorry you're feeling this way. If you ring Anxiety UK they will take you through some breathing exercises. They're really nice people. The number is 08444 775 774.

Are you still taking your meds? Did you Doctor have any suggestions as to how to keep this breathing thing under control?

Lots of love and hoping you feel better very soon Xxxx

24-11-10, 15:24
hi moon thanks for thatsaw nurse tday she said enough air gettin in lungs she said it ould be the babypushin on diaphram ur ribs expand makin u breath more deeper apparently if im still worried i need go bk to dr she said

24-11-10, 15:50
I had the same feeling when I was pregnant and I put it down to the baby pushing the diaphragm up. I couldn't wait for baby to be born so I could breathe normally again but it didn't go away. Now a year later I am still suffering. Doctor says it is anxiety and I have done lots of research and think I have 'chronic hyperventilation syndrome'

Wish I had known this when I was pregnant cos I maybe could have prevented further anxiety and symptoms if I had learnt breathing exercises back then.

24-11-10, 16:20
Have you had any help with your condition shaz? I think I suffer this but instead if overbreathing I have a tendency to hold my breath. Does that count?