View Full Version : Is there something wrong with me?

23-11-10, 21:13

New to this forum, so please bear with me if I'm reposting.
Brief history... 7 years of steroid use/abuse. Finally came off at Christmas last year (nearly 12 months ago)... Blood levels wise, I am now fully recovered, all my results came back as average (slightly high test level, but i exercise a lot so not too worried)..

Anyway, over the past 4 months I've been constantly thinking I'm going to die. Every meal I eat I worry will be my last, every bout of exercise etc... every bit of heartburn i feel as though it's a heart attack. It's to the point now where it's stopping me sleeping and I'm starting to feel depressed all the time.
I am too embarrassed to go to my Docs about it, as I was always brought up that the man was the 'man' and we were never to admit to weaknesses.. I am also too worried that I might be put on long term medication which could shorten my life, change my blood levels, etc...

Has anybody dealt with anything similar, and is there any help I can get without taking pills?

Sorry for sounding so stupid, but am at the point now where it's becoming to ruin my life...


24-11-10, 09:30
Sounds like you've got health anxiety so you've come to the right place! Your first step would ultimatley be going to see your GP for peace of mind and advice. Speak to him about how you're feeling and ask if he thinks you'd be appropriate for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT for short, it's really helped a lot of people. He won't put you on any meds if you don't want them.

If you REALLY don't wanna go to the doctor you can buy books on health anxiety that try to teach you how to overcome it using the CBT method. If you have a good look around the threads on this forum you'll see you're definatley not alone in what you're going through. xx

24-11-10, 09:36
youl be ok bud just go to the docs and tell him how your feeling and as all your bloods came bk ok i highly dout that theres anything sereously rong with you other than what you already know about what youv put your body through, there no harm in going for help i sufferd for about 6 months b4 i went to the doc and since iv gone its the best decision iv made and now 3 months on im at the point where i know whats goning on in my body is just anxiety so i dont have to worry about it anymore youl be ok ope this helps

24-11-10, 13:57
I have serious issues with my masculinity though and feeling like this. I was brought up by a macho dad who never showed feelings etc... I am exactly the same.

The most worrying bit is, as well as feeling anxious about my health, I think I may have further issues which I am browsing through the forum to look for...

I think I may seek medical help though before it gets too much...

24-11-10, 14:05
dont be like your dad be yourself you wouldnt want your child doing the same 1dya would you? so lead by example and the worse thing is googleing stuff cuz it always somes back that you have a sereous illness

24-11-10, 14:10
Don't actively go looking for diseases you might have. That's a big nono with health anxiety because you'll find something and it will completely convince you you have it even though you most probably don't. Only person who can diagnose you is your doctor, not Google, not the people on this forum and not yourself.

There's nothing wrong with going to a doctor and it's definatley not demasculinising (sp? ;s). The bravest thing you can do is ask for help when you need it remember. :) xx

24-11-10, 21:32
Thanks for your help guys.. It was googling that i came across this forum.. so it's not all bad..

I may speak to my wife about it first as a practice as i really don't want to go tell a doctor.. think i'm more scared he'll laugh at me..