View Full Version : How Can I Make My Boyfriend Understand?

23-11-10, 22:47
Hi there,

I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 years and have been diagnosed with depression and put on anti depressants within the last month.

i just want to know if there is any way I can make him understand how I'm feeling. He's always been a little bit insensitive, but now I need him to know how careful he has to be around me.

Anyone got any ideas on how I can get the message across?


24-11-10, 06:36
Hi you could start by printing out the page on Depression to the left of this page .There are useful links on the bottom of that .Print them off or get him to read them on the computer .It will give him an insight to how he can help you recover and what he can do to help . Its good to tell your partner how your feeling ,but do try to understand its difficult sometimes for others to fully understand if they have never suffered themselves .So try to understand that ,he may take a while to get to grips with things .There are plenty of books on depression so maybe you could try to find something suitable for him in the library or bookshop . Good luck and I hope you recover soon .Sue x

24-11-10, 10:39
thank you Sue, I'll try that and see if it helps. Thank you :)

24-11-10, 11:37
I agree with Suzy-Sue. It also might help - if you don't feel comfortable talking about it to write your feelings down for him to try and explain to him a bit better.

I don't know what kind of person your boyfriend is but certain people just don't understand depression/anxiety at all and they find it very hard to do. Just try your best to explain your feelings and let him know you need his support during this hard time.

27-11-10, 00:52
i did what sue said to do, although he understood quite well and knows all i need is a hug and him there when im having a bad day.

he should understand soon enough, i have issues with my mum not understanding, im on 40mg of citalopram....but she still thinks im putting it on for attention:doh: i wish it was just that meh

good luck! x

27-11-10, 01:45
I m pleased you boyfriend is trying to help you ,and is understanding .It will help you .Perhaps you could get a book about understanding depression for your Mum to read .Others sometimes cant grasp how anyone could be depressed and dont understand anything at all .Im sure she will be more supportive when she realises her behaviour is not helping you and is detrimental to your recovery .Good luck you sound like you have a good bloke there at least .Thats more than some people ..luv Sue x

27-11-10, 11:35
You might find this helpful for your mum and boyfriend to read.. www.helpguide.org/mental/living__depressed__person.htm (http://www.helpguide.org/mental/living__depressed__person.htm) sue x click on to the Info page under first picture