View Full Version : does this sound like anxiety?

23-11-10, 23:05
Hi sorry to be a pain again and pestering you all,
but since Sunday i got a slight pain in my stomach, and me being a hypocondriac i thought it was something serious and since then my pain has been much worse. its bearable but i can't help but think its something serious. i've been passing wind a lot, had a lot of constipation though and just feel constantly nervous. it doesn't hurt after i eat and its always much better when i relax, i also have a bruised feeling on my hip even though there's no bruise.
i'm worrying myself sick. i don't think it's anything sinister as i'm only 17 and quite slender.
i get a pain in between my shoulder blades too when my worrying kicks in.
i haven't really been eating properly lately so im thinking this could be a factor too?
had a pretty stressful week too. i have no other symptoms, i can eat, i haven't been sick or anything. just having a bad bout of constipation and wind along with a stomach ache. i've been told its just anxiety but i just keep thinking i'm dying or something!
its fine when i get relaxed and just stop thinking (especially before bed) but as soon as i get up and do something and start thinking again the pain kicks in, i just cannot take this anxiety for much longer!
does anyone else suffer from this?

24-11-10, 16:40
Hi. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. Its really odd that anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms but it does. Some people get constipated when they are anxious and others go the other way and are never off the toilet. It sounds as if its the anxiety causing all these symptoms as it goes when you relax so the trick is trying to get yourself to relax a bit more and think about other things. Easier said then done I know as I am the worst person in the world at this.

Maybe even a trip to the docs to get checked out might be in order. At least this will put your mind at rest. I wish you well.

24-11-10, 21:32
thankyou very much Humly :)
i was reading on here that the pains i have (feel like period like cramps around left and ride side above hip) are usually caused by IBS which is a relief!
but its a lot better today since i got a problem thats been bothering me for a while sorted out, but still have a slight pain in my back and stomach and the bruised feeling (they aren't as bad as they were though) but i got my appetite back a bit earlier on today and i think thats made it better.
anxiety causes the worst pains ever.
i was petrified it was something serious or something that required surgery (phobia of hospitals), but seeing as its easing up a bit i don't think this is the case. thank god!
still have an appointment with my gp on friday morning though to get myself checked out and get some advise on how to control my anxiety a bit better.
trying not to worry too much about the pains which seems to be helping!
just hoping these pains will be gone for good soon xx

24-11-10, 22:19
arghh so just when i thought i was getting better!
the pain came back again for a while and now its got me thinking its appendicitis, even though i know the pain would be far worse and would hurt when i touch it which it doesn't. first i worried it was my gallbladder then my pancreas, now my appendix! this is driving me nuts!

25-11-10, 15:14
Hi miniholly

I was pleased to note that you were feeling better, if only briefly. Thats what its like - you think you are ok then something else comes along which starts you off again. Hang on in there until your appointment at the docs tomorrow and hopefully you can get something sorted out. Dont know if you are on any medication but it might help and if you can talk about exactly what you are feeling/going through you are halfway there.

Good luck.

25-11-10, 22:09
The only three things logically I can think of (seeing as gallbladder and appendix would be much more painful and i haven't lost my appetite!) is IBS, severe stress or the fact i'm on Microgynon 30 which has been acting on my moods a lot lately too so if that was the cause i would not at all be surprised, it was fine last week when i had my gap week for my period!
this is just so frustrating! just want to get it sorted. my mum who's a nurse isn't concerned as shes used to me complaining about aches and pains and then just turning out to be anxiety.
this is all my fault for worrying over a slight twinge :'(

26-11-10, 21:33
well yes i'm back again (sorry for over posting)
didn't go to the doctors today as the doctor i was meant to be seeing is horrible and isn't very understanding so i've rearranged it for next week.
however today i got the most awful sharp pain in my left hand side of my stomach, it comes and goes and my right side of my stomach feels a bit strange too, doesn't hurt when i press down and nothing seems to trigger it off.
my bowels have had movement today but not much and still feel very constipated.
what the heck is this?! i feel like my time's up! :(