View Full Version : horrible evening

24-11-10, 00:16
Tonight i went for a drink with friends. Towards the end of the evening i started feeling very sick and like i was going to pass out or be sick. I decided to go home and on the way back felt awful, my mouth was watering and thought as soon as i get in i will be sick. But when i got in i had a horrendous panic attack which lasted for so long. I had awful cough, breathless, felt sick, sharp pain in chest and my whole body was violently shaking for so long. After about an hour i have managed to calm down and go to bed. I still feel sick though and have horrible heartburn and pain in top of my back. I feel like there is something stuck in my throat and am breathless still. My left shoulder and neck hurts. I still feel anxious that i could have heart attack. I am embarrassed that my friend saw me like that when we got home. Just feel like i can't cope with this anymore. I feel too ill to go to work or anything. Just needed to share as can't tell my partner or friends how awful i feel.

25-11-10, 15:29
Perhaps its a good thing that your friend saw how you were and as maybe you can talk about it now. Panic attacks are horrendous and many people suffer from them. Dont be embarassed about it as having witnessed this, your friend, if he/she is a true friend, will want to talk about it and try and help you. Best wishes.