View Full Version : Please Help me!!

24-11-10, 00:36
Help Me!!

I'm really freaking out right now. I work in a senoirs home and there are some resdients that have MRSA. One of the health care aids I talked to about it made it sound like no big deal, other people are making a big deal. I googled i so should not of done that. I get a itchy rash every now and again, stress brings it on or anxitey don't know which one and now i think I have MRSA. Can someone please help me!!!!!!!! Need help please!!!!!!

paula lynne
24-11-10, 00:39
wash your hands regularly, wear apron and gloves when you need too....have a shower after work and always wear a fresh uniform. its ok, please dont panic. general cleanliness is sufficient. x

24-11-10, 00:42
Ive already been there since may, and i do wash hands all the time at work, all the other stuff nope, so that is why im soo freakin out right now.

paula lynne
24-11-10, 00:54
Your freaking out because someone has told you something scary, and its causing anxiety. You are already doing everything you can to be safe, so please dont worry about it now, and dont listen to scaremongers. Do everything I mentioned in the last post and I can assure you, you will be fine.

24-11-10, 04:03
ok, I sure hope all is going to ok! I see a doctor tomorrow.

24-11-10, 04:34
my nan got mrsa in a leg wound that was bandaged by a nurse carrying it, they said it must have got infected via her breathing on it...she was absolutely fine, but be careful im sure you'll be fine..dont let it build up..

24-11-10, 08:15
Hi, i hope some of your fears are being dealt with on here.
I am a nurse in an acute hospital, so i'm hoing i can share a bit of knowledge. I suppose the problem with googling things, especially MRSA is why there is such a fear about it here are a few things to bear in mind......

The bacteria which leads to MRSA is a naturally occuring bacteria which most of the worlds population actually have... now don't let that scare you... sometimes this bacteria gets out of hand, particularly when you are ill... or like seniors. when your immune system is not as good so it struggles to keep check on the balance it can get out of control. If you have an open wound for example, the bacteria might have a field day, it might not, but whatever happens... it is treatable!! Make sure, like has been said, u have general good hygiene standards, wear gloves and aprons when dealing with the person affected. And invest in a pocket sized alcohol gel so u know u can sanitise your hands whenever u can between washing, even if just for peace of mind.
A little example for you though.... the hospital i work in has a ward dedicated to people with MRSA, one of my collegues who work closely with those people on a daily basis was due to have an operation herself... she got routinely swabbed for MRSA.... NOTHING. Also, personally i have never seen MRSA reveal itself in a rash. If you are healthy you shouldn't have any problems, if you are a bit run down and get it do not worry, it is treatable... i don't know what the treatment is like in Canada, but please don't get scaremongered by the internet.
Hope this has helped, even if only a little.
Sending best wishes...
Ducky :)

24-11-10, 10:05
Thanks that has helped me a little. I have noticed that my itchy legs only come on when i am really stressed out, so im not to sure if stress is causing my itchy legs, cause when i stop stressing the itchyness does stop and has in the pass anyways, I sure hope all will be fine. me not wearing gloves for along period of time and becasue my boss told me not to anymore which is the reason I stopped doing that, but he is no longer working at the home anymore, so im going to start now i just hope i don't have it. i have had my itchy legs that don't look like anything it does not appear to be a rash, it will get red ofcourse if i scratch them but it looks normal, i have lots of stress marks on the back of my legs from having my child a long time ago. Strech marks aren't cellulite are they?

24-11-10, 10:57
No stretch marks are pink or silvery lines on your skin from sudden stretching like pregnancy or sudden weight gain but they do go away in about 20 yrs as I have lost my pregnancy marks about 10 yrs ago but my son is 30!!

The other thing to remember about mrsa is that huge numbers of people carry this bug around with no ill effects - my mother in law came home from hospital with terrible bed sores on her heals that were mrsa positive but she never ever got ill from it- it took a year for the wounds to heal properly but not once did she have any signs of infection in wounds or helsefl and didn't ever need any treatment. She was swabbed every few months and at first she was positive in her armpits nose and groin but slowly her own body got rid of it and after a year she had no mrsa on her at all.

So if your Dr swabs you and it comes back positive its still not reason to panic yourself but obviously they will want to treat it usually with cream to stop you spreading it to your patients.

24-11-10, 11:00
Thanks country girl for that i am feelin a bit better need to try and get some sleep though it's 4am here.

29-11-10, 01:27
Ok, I'm sooo freakin out right now.I was fine with this all for a few days, but I woke up this morning with a pimple like thing on my neck and it's itchy and i asked my mom what this was and she said it looked like a spider bite, WELL I then remembered most MRSA symptoms start off looking like a spider bite but in fect it's actually MRSA. I went to my Doctor the other day about my itchy leg, but he felt no need to test me and he didn't know how to test and didn't really see a cause to cause it usually is mistaken as a spider bit and u need to swap the pus that comes out from it. I'm just really freaken out right now and just feel my whole skin is itchy and infected with this cause I'm just freaken out over this. Can anyone make me feel better or something!! PLEASE!!!!!! I need you!!!!!!! :weep: