View Full Version : It's not easy.

24-11-10, 07:52
I wanted to write how I'm feeling, crap. I am currently worrying/stressing big time! It's my tongue/throat, I keep swallowing all the time, it feels as though I have a hair or such like down the back of my tongue and I am freaking out. It's been like this for over a week. I have a doctors appointment this morning and even though I know it's anxiety, what if it isn't what if it's something bad, what am i GOING TO DO! I have thoughts she will look and say I need to go for tests.

The most annoying/scary thing is I'm currently having CBT which I am paying £95 per hour for and it doesn't seem to be working in fact it's getting worse and it was my last hope.

24-11-10, 13:47
How did your Doctor's appointment go Emma? £95 an hour is a lot to be paying for a therapy you don't think is working. Have you tried getting on NHS therapy waiting lists? I went for a therapy called CAT which helped me understand my health anxiety (and other mental health issues) better. Maybe discuss different therapies with your doctor?

I hope you feel better soon,
Moonlight Xxx

25-11-10, 00:33
I managed to get my cbt through a charity,its free, i only waited 3 weeks and touch wood it seems to be working rather well

25-11-10, 01:10
Well I'm certain that your doctor visit went entirely uneventful. The most common cause for foreign sensation at that level is swollen tonsilar tissue or inflammation of the mucosal lining of the pharyngeal region. It is quite common in post-viral conditions or recent exposure to a respiratory irritant and self-resolves within several days to as many weeks.

Vigilence to the swallow reflex can produce a good deal of frustration and persistence can sometimes lead to panic threshold or experiencing air starvation.

I'm sure you'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

25-11-10, 14:41
Wow I felt hard done by paying £50 an hour :(
Did your therapist explain about reassurance seeking and learning to live with uncertainty?

Go and see the Dr by all means but if it's fine, and I am sure it will be, try and stop seeking reassurance next time you panic. It's just going to make your HA worse.

Also i know for a fact that the REALITY of somebody dealing with illness is in some ways easier than dealing with the anxiety over it. You CAN cope, you do find a way through

I'm not lecturing, I have spent hundreds of pounds on CBT and I still seek reassurance so it's a big battle but hopefully worth it