View Full Version : Does Upset Stomach Cause Fast Heart?

Rach J
24-11-10, 09:16
After about an hour of having tea last night, I started getting stomach cramps and felt quite nauseous. I figured something I ate disagreed with me, and by the time I got to bed I was having hot and cold chills and diarrhoea.

However, my heart rate has been above 100 since I started to feel unwell (it's still 113bpm now) and I could hardly sleep at all last night. I've taken my normal dose of propranolol but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Can food poisoning cause an elevated heart rate or am I just stressing?

24-11-10, 09:29
well if you worrie about it and r really anxtiouse about it then yes in itself you can cause your heart to go fast even a panic attack just chill out and your body is just working to get what ever it was that dissagreed with you out of your system drink water as that will flush your system and de-tox you as well =] hope this helps youl be fine dw

24-11-10, 11:00
Any virus will cause your heartrate to increase to around a 100. Every time I get a cold/flu/stomach bug I always complain to my husband that my heart is racing and he always says same thing yes it does with me and remember its because you have a virus. It usually only happens with me if I have a temperature with the chills/fever and is completely normal and will go away once your body has fought off the virus its natures way of getting your better. A Dr once explained it to me but can't remember the details - still doesn't stop me worrying though:D