View Full Version : I'm officially crazy

24-11-10, 09:36
I could still use some reassurance though :blush:

I know how ridiculous this is from a 'logical' perspective but I've spent the past hour panicking about this.

I was cleaning the shower head and I needed to bleach it (diluted, obviously) but a tiny bit of bleach got on my finger (yes, should have been using gloves).

I washed it (several times), sanitised it. Rinsed everything out but I am paranoid that it's somehow going to be ingested and... well yeah :blush:

I hate my mindset. I got a migraine at work yesterday but convinced myself it wasn't for about an hour and had a full panic attack. Ugh

24-11-10, 09:41
major panic here then first things first just take a little step out side of the box admitedly it might be a big box so at least go to the corner where you can see everything take a breath and try think about it in the right way and nothing at all would happen to you even if you did ingest a drop on bleach its to much of a small ammount obvs dont eat it on a daily basis but accidently wont hurt and head ache just drink plenty of water water really helps me =] hope this helps

24-11-10, 09:45
Our minds can do some pretty cruel playing around at times.

You've rinsed the bleach off so please don't worry...........i know its easier said than done, if it helps at all, i use bleach quite a bit and its never harmed me, i just make sure i wash my hands afterwards and use a hand lotion.

di x

24-11-10, 09:57
Thank you both.

Logically I know that I rinsed it and so forth but I was obsessively washing my hands which scared me a little. Luckily my daughter is at nursery because I don't want her to see me when I'm having a total meltdown like I was.

I was even scared to make a cup of tea in case I got it on the teabag. And then I picked the new teabag out of the jar using a tea towel.

I need to change my mindset, I cannot live behaving in such a weird/obsessive/anxious way but where do you start? I'm on medication, waiting for yet another round of counselling.

Gosh I sound absolutely nuts. I'm not usually anywhere near this bad (totally embarrassed too)

24-11-10, 10:07
for me i just through my self in the deep and and go right 2day in gonna do everything that i usely dont do like i flush the toilet with my foot havent ever stoped that and i always use a new spoon when makeing a cup of tea but i mean like just try do the things you know you want to do and can do and just dont worrie about it cuz at the end of the day people have been doing every day things for millions of year and wer doing fine lol =]

24-11-10, 10:13
You don't sound nuts at all.

You need to change the way you're thinking, you have to tell yourself, the bleach is gone, try busying yourself with other things if you can, i always do a crossword if i need to change my thoughts.

Its damn horrible when our thoughts behave the way they do, but you can control them, it just takes some work.

But please don't think you're nuts, you are most definately not :hugs: