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View Full Version : panicking mother

24-11-10, 09:55
hi there, im claire and have two wonderful daughters and have recently became really anxious at little things:
if im in a queue for a long time i start having flushes if im gonna faint or if im stood outside my daughters school waiting for them...
i cant go shopping cos i feel exactly the same,
it may not sound as bad as some people but i am trying to fight it myuself just thinking to myself that im not gonna faint and if i do someone will be there and find me, i did go to the doctors and had tablets off him but my god they made me so much worse i was feeling panicky in my own house which never happens, so i stopped taking them, i am getting along little by little but when something gets on top of me thats it im back where i started, i am constantly hot even if its snowing outside i could probably go out there in my underwear and still sweat ..
i don't know where it came from but i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, i am scared i will become agoraphobic, and my daughters constantly ask me if we can go somewhere and do something but i just cant take them out, cos im worried i will collapse with them, i hate feeling like this ..
thanks for listening
claire :D

24-11-10, 09:56
Hi clebear

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-11-10, 10:04
i could have wriiten this post myself hun o i really feel for you ...... i have learnt to live with my symptoms and they have started to ease but it has stopped me doing lots of things over the last few years before i realised i have to just do my best to carry on ignore the feelings ur not going to faint i havent in the lat 4 years but still at the school gate this morning i had a slight panic that i was going to but i just carried on and it went stay strong xx

24-11-10, 10:08
Hi Claire :welcome:

Lots of us have been there and done that. Have a read of the articles on the left of the page, including


Learning to control your breathing is very, very important x

24-11-10, 10:22
thanks, im glad my friend sent me this site, i thought it was like one in a million people who have this cos all my friends do take the mick out of me , and it hurts yeah but i am trying to fight it, i have managed to control my breathing and it helps if i have a bottle of water or chewing gum, i don't know if thats just me though, but it definitely does help, i do ignore the fainting feelings but sometimes it gets to such an extent i have to go home and ask my friends to pick up my children ....
i will not let this beat me ...
thanks again

24-11-10, 11:31
Hi Claire.

I'm a newbie here and also suffer with anxiety etc and panic attacks.

I'm glad i'm not alone in the sweating department....coz i'm the same....especially on the way to work....but it's 99% just my face that sweats like mad.

Only live 200 yards from where I work, but for some reason while im getting dressed in the morning my panic goes through the roof...i feel like i'm going to stop breathing....and on the way to work, even though it's cold out and i'm walking realy slow and doing my BEST to chill....
Can't control it.....face sweats like crazy coz of the panic and anxiety.

As far as the going shopping thing....I get yuh 100% how u feel.
Walk into a shop, if there's a queue for the til, i'm praying that they will call another person to the tills to reduce the queue etc so i can get out of there quickly as i can feel my face getting warm, then red....then, oh oh...face starts sweating!

Anyway, just wanna say.....I know how you feel and so does everyone else on here.

I've known about this forum for a while, but never had the guts to join til yesterday....it already feels like a massive weight lifted off me just being amongst like minded people.

Your not alone.....EVERYONE here is going to beat this anxiety....we will all help each other kick this Demon into touch.

keep fighting, claire...never give up.


24-11-10, 11:31
hi claire, i have the exact same thing as you. I get alot of lightheadedness and feel faint quite alot, it affects everything, day to day life, my walking, i have 3 children and sometimes i dread the school run as im so worried i will faint.
I went to my sons assembly today and i felt so faint and frozen with fear that i wasnt sure how i was going to do it.
I managed it and thankfully one of the mums on here helped me talk me through it.
You are not alone with this, my kids ask constantly can we go out? Or where are we going today?
Some days im ok to go out and do things but other days i cant leave the house due to the lightheadedness and fearing fainting. Then i feel soooo guilty and a let down as a mother for feeling like this.
I really sympathise with you, i wish i could just wake up each morning feeling ok so that the school run etc isnt such a hercules effort to get there.
Waiting for the kids to come out of school is a nightmare for me, i look at all the other mothers and think they all look so normal and i think im sure they just 'know' im feeling faint. I cant stand and talk to people for too long as that sets off dizziness for me.
I asked a few friends to collect my kids from school a couple of years ago but they did it for about a month and then they thought i would be magically be ok to do it again.
So i really do understand how you feel.
I know you wouldnt want to wish it on your worse enemy.
You will get lots and lots of support on here hun.
Feel free to message me anytime,
One tip i learnt on an anxiety course was that when you are anxious and feel faint, its impossible to faint while your anxious because your blood pressure is high when you're anxious , and in order to faint your blood pressure needs to be low.
Hope that helps a little, hugs to you.

Annette xx

paula lynne
24-11-10, 11:33
Hi there Claire, welcome aboard, nice to meet you x:welcome:

24-11-10, 12:05
thanks for the tips and support, it does help.... thanks
claire xx


24-11-10, 12:56
hi and :welcome: to nmp