View Full Version : can this be be apart of anxiety

24-11-10, 10:16
hi hi ive been suffering with anxiety for a few years now and sometimes i cope with it and try and get on with doing the normal things but about 8wks ago i had to come off esa and go back on job seeeker as i failed the medical even tho my anxiety is severe. i am doing cbt at the moment but the problem is every time i have to go to the local job centre to sign on i get very anxiouse and worked up and i try to prepare my self for the jorney and tell myself that i have to go as if not i wont get no money so i do it even tho i feel very anxiouse and scared but aftar ive been and done it and get home i feel awful i dont feel proud of my self that ive done it and and i feel down for the rest of the day as ive been told that the more i do it the better i will feel and wont be anxiouse or scared but i dont and start to question if it is really anxiety can any one tell me if they feel like this as its really worring me thk u

24-11-10, 11:19
its just the anxiety trying to bring you down and make you stay in cuz if you do stay in its won so fight fire with fire i get it sometimes i really dont want to go out but erlia in the day i know i wanted to so im like right get up go out now and after a while you get useto it like nerves go with everything if you feel nervus on a plane after a 100 times on a plane your most probs get useto in and wont be so nerver vise versa with everything you do in daily life =]

24-11-10, 11:47
Hi - I've put in a claim for ESA myself. Just wondering what kind of things did they ask you at the medical? I'm a little worried about it..

I'm sorry you're having a difficult time with the job center - I did myself. I was signed on for a while and even though I had anxiety they wouldn't put it down as a 'valid health reason'. Then they got me a job, I had a huge relapse and left. This puts me where I am now, trying to claim ESA and worrrying if i'll get it or not!

Can you get someone to go with you to the job center until you feel more confident?

24-11-10, 17:21
hi ayame i went in july for a medical with the social anf to be honest thet dont really ask about ur anxiety exept how u cope on doing your everyday needs and they ask you about your physical heath if u can walk move your arms and legs or bend down wash urself etc they dont take in concideration how u are feeling or whats going on in your head and they didnt pass me as they said i was phycicaly fit for work even tho i suffer with the anxiety quite bad so they took me off esa and had to go on jobseekers which its all wrong as they dont understand how or wat ur going thro