View Full Version : Scared

24-11-10, 11:55

Im 20 weeks pregnant today and this morning while at work i was just sitting at my desk when i got a very bad sharp pain on the left sid of my chest, i wouldnt be able to even point it out where it was because it was so sharp and quick.

I got quite scared and began to panic then i started to get a pain in my left arm and shoulder and the first thing that came t mind was a heart attck so made me panic more. My eyes feel really heavy aswel like im going to fall asleep. now my chest feels really funny like little pains here and there.

I have been under alot of stress the last few days and havent been sleeping well so i am just wondering if this is my body reacting to the stress or is it something else.

Please comment just need to be reassured

Thanx :)

24-11-10, 12:01
Firstly, congratulations! :D

Anyway, to the point! I've been told heart pain isn't felt on the left side of the chest at all, with it being your left shoulder, arm and chest it sounds like you're very tense and anxious so your muscles are playing up! Common with anxiety, but don't get freaked out if you get central chest pain, I get it every single day and I'm still here.

Just because your chest hurts it doesn't mean it's your heart. Your chest is covered in muscles, pretty big ones too and like any muscle they can spasm, get tense and just generally cause a lot of (non life threatening) pain. Go and have a nice hot bath or sit in a comfy chair and just relax to get those muscles less tense. :) xx

24-11-10, 12:12
Thanks so much pokerface, i was trying not to worry but its so hard when your stressed. Yeh i was thinking i should go for a massage or something to relax myself, mite have that bath tonite aswel may aswel spoil myself. The pain has actually gone now, i think the more i tink about it the more it gets worse. Just hit me so quick i started to panic. Thanx again :D xx

24-11-10, 13:10
Hi - did you know that when you are pregnant your body relaxes all your tendons and ligaments etc and they are much more prone to injury and pain. My son is now 30 yrs old so am trawling the depths of my memory but I do remember that from about 5 months pregnant I woke up every single night about 2am with terrible pain in my chest and between my shoulder blades and it got better when I sat up- I was convinced it was something dreadful but was told the reason was these relaxed soft tissues and my bed was causing the problem - I got a new mattress and things improved but the problem resolved as soon as i had given birth. Apparently its your bodies way of preparing you for labour so your muscles are relaxed - its why you shouldn't do hard exercise and training while pregnant as it can cause real problems and a difficult birth if you have strong muscles. another load of useless info but I remember it being explained to me by hospital Dr at time all those years ago!

24-11-10, 14:34
Aw thanx a million countrygirl for all that information its good to have all the info i can get cos then it makes me less paranoid, and it does make sense cos the doc told me not to do anyting to streneous (cant spell) either. Ive had apin the last week or so but this morning it was realy bad. Thanx for the reassurance :D xx

24-11-10, 14:57
aww i had this when i was pregnant and now i have just given birth i still have it sometimes,

i was told it was something to do with the milk coming in and ur breast growing.


24-11-10, 16:27
Now I wonder if this is something similar to what I have had in the past either of you. Occassionally I get a shooting sensation in my left breast. It's very quick and the closest I can relate it to is my nipple but not actually on it. I noticed it after I'd had my child. I still get it occasionally. It isn't deep, but it did make me worry about my heart as I have that phobia anyway. That is the closest I can pin point it to.

I was told true heart pain isn't felt in the left of your chest but it doesn't stop be worrying when I get a pain there. I try to tell myself that to keep myself calm though, which usually doesn't work!!!!