View Full Version : CBT help please

24-11-10, 13:54

Just wanted some advice really.

I have been doing CBT privately - however I am finding it really hard going. It isn't really about the theory - I have a good understanding how and why my PA/Anxiety works. But it is the getting there that I find a struggle.

Firstly, I wont drive and my father-in-law takes me. He is a lovely man but I find it difficult to keep the momentum of chat whilst on this journey (have slight social anxiety - and hard to relate to parents). He waits for me and I feel bad that he does that - and when I leave I tend to be really tired and stressed usually with a bad tummy ache.

Secondly - I have to get my mother-in-law to look after my child. I worry that she doesn't really want to look after him (she adores him - I know - but I still worry)

Then, during counselling I get really stressed, feel sick and get very bad tummy aches. I have a good counsellor but she is only treating me for PA when really I have so much more going on. I keep alot of it tucked away from my family. I also have this terrible thought in my head that actaully she doesn't care about me - she just wants to get paid - it is her job...why would I feel that way - it kinda makes me close down a bit.

Basically I hate the whole process of going to CBT. It makes me very anxious, unwell and I have stopped going recently. If I understand the whole process of CBT, do you think I can do this on my own? Is it possible to cure (I use that term lightly) yourself. I am very strong minded.

Thank you for reading

24-11-10, 18:41
I too am attending CBT privately, you really need to tell your therapist everything as you wont get the full benefit it he/.she dosn't know the full story. It certainly helps if you feel comfortable and trust your therapist, as this can make a big difference. I know not everyone would agree but therapy/counseling is a big part of recovery. What about trying another therapist?

Take care

24-11-10, 18:59
Thanks for replying Elaine - this is my second therapists in the last few months, just dont feel relaxed and able to open up completely - but any inforamation I give them I end up later regetting that I told them. I suppose I am embarressed and secretly a proud person.

24-11-10, 19:06
Hi Ambers

Dont be embarrassed these therapists are professions and have probably heard it all before. I always feel much better when i am able to talk things through with my therapist, but it feel really comfortable with her and it really does help. It's to expensive to be going and not getting anything from it. Maybe it will take you time to find someone your comfortable with. Try and stick with i'm sure you will see the benefits. I wish you he very best of luck in your recovery.

Take care.