View Full Version : Not sure if I'm in the right place for this!

24-11-10, 14:06
As well as other issues which I have outlined in the health anxiety forum, I have other issues that i wasn't sure where to put, or whether this was even the correct type of forum.

I dwell on things immensely.. If somebody cuts me up in the car, I have to hunt them down as I take it so personally. This seems irrational, but have been able to control it to some degree.. But now it's getting a little worrying. On two separate occasions, I have basically planned somebody's murder. How i would do it, where i would do it, how i'd get away with it etc.. I am finding i'm becoming even more aggressive than usual (I am an active kickboxer so aggression is something I normally have control of), but it seems to be becoming out of control..

I don't know what is wrong with me...


24-11-10, 15:28
well the fact that you recognise that these thoughts are unhealthy shows that you have good insight. Do you have any other symptoms, eg, feelign low, anxious? It is quite common for men in particular to have symtoms of anger as the main presenting issue when they are depressed. Are you on any meds? Have you always felt like this or is it somethign that happened quite recently? x

24-11-10, 15:42
Other symptoms... I'm anxious about all aspects of my health, thinking once i go to sleep, I'm not going to wake up etc... (i have posted about this in the health section, and have been pointed in the right direction I hope).
I have severe mood swings.. some days happy other days very very down, extremely cagey, very easy to snap.. This isn't like me at all, and has progressively got worse over the last 12 months.. now it's at the point where i'm actually worried for peoples safety. I have also noticed that I've gone from socialising with my friends regularly, to seeing them not at all.. only talk via text etc...
I'm just worried now that I may go through with some of my thoughts....

24-11-10, 15:49
it could be that you are experiencing intrusive thoughts... they can feel very real and people are often afraid that they will act on them. Are you getting any professional help? It sounds like it might help if yous spoke to someoen about your problems, eg, the anxiety x

24-11-10, 16:13
Hi Anon

That must be really awful for you.

Can you think of anything that could have triggered these mood/actions?


24-11-10, 21:30
There's not really anything significant happening in my life that would've triggered this off.. I thought it may be seasonal, but if I think back, it was happening many months before the dark nights, etc...
My daily routine hasn't changed at all if I think about it....

24-11-10, 21:46
Hi hun,

How long after coming off the steroids did it take before these thoughts start coming ?

di x

24-11-10, 22:20
If your very happy some days and very down the next , that can be a symptom of bipolar , i suggest keeping a diary of your moods and telling a doctor about your symptoms , therapy is always good too .

25-11-10, 14:12
Hi hun,

How long after coming off the steroids did it take before these thoughts start coming ?

di x

I'm not sure of the exact answer, but over the last 4 months I've noticed them a lot lot more...