View Full Version : daughter

24-11-10, 14:17
well not posted about myself for a while things have been back to normal ,,but now my daughter has split with her partner of 7 years,she has 2 year old little girl ,i am so worried about them ,it has brought back my anxiety ,cant believe it ,,thought it had gone for good but when you see your child heartbroken its devastating ,my other family say to me why you worrying me but i do its normal they don't understand it makes me so cross if you read thanks just needed someone to talk to ,

24-11-10, 14:42
aww its hard especailly when its our kids and u worry cause u care about ur daughter and granddaughter,

i know its hard but u will get through it and it will go away like it has done before.

take care and helping and being there for ur daughter might just help you.

Hazel B
24-11-10, 14:46
It's a sign of being a loving mother that this upsets you so much. Please take care of yourself and remember anxiety can't kill you, it just feels horrible.


24-11-10, 14:50
thank you for your kind words

margaret jones
24-11-10, 17:05
Hi Gypsy sorry you are feeling down again but Once a mum always a mum try not to worry to much I bet you are all upset hope things improve soon .
This happened to me twice with my Daughters horrid it is but all worked out ok now xxxx Have a :hugs:

24-11-10, 17:11
Hi Gypsy,

My mum still worries about me like crazy. I have just had a relationship breakdown and I am devastated, all just when I had made a good recovery from depression/anxiety. I'm also in a risky job and am a lone worker too, so my mum has all sorts of worries with me. She is also a naturally anxious person too and has suffered anxiety herself. It is completely normal from what I can see (I am not a mother myself but I can see how much it worries her seeing me go through so much).

Please don't beat yourself up for being a loving caring mum, your daughter and grandaughter will be so grateful to have you there for them at such a difficult time.
