View Full Version : Blackout Scare....plz rd

18-03-06, 03:05
Hi everyone.
Two nights ago I went out with my boyfriend and his daughter. WE had a few drinks..I had 2 beers before I met them, and 3 martinis (which I shared a little with his daughter to try..she is 16), and after we went home. After I got home I remember eating our food we got, and getting into my pajamas, and I THOUGHT I went to bed. Apparently I was on the computer for at least two hours and I have NO recollection of it...plus there is something else that is private that I don't remember[:I] Anyways....it REALLY scared me when my boyfriend told me this. This had happened before when I was on paxil, but not effexor. Anyways...it wasn't like I had that much do drink...and that really really scared me. i saw the psychiatrist today, and he lowered my dosage to what he has told me is the lowest dosage. I have been forgetting a lot of things and my memory has not been working right..and that black out really really scared me...and my boyfriend.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I know of another friend who was on Paxil and had black outs too if she drank a lot..but she drank A LOT.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had black outs for any reason, who have panic/anxiety like myself. Thanks.

18-03-06, 15:41

I'm also on Efexor. I have the same as you describe but for me it's disociation - have you heard of that? For me it's cos things are hard going and when things get that bit too much I drift off elsewhere and don't remember what I've been doing, who I've bene with, where the time has gone. It tends to happen when I am under a lot of pressure and is my bodies way of coping. I don't know if this is what's happening to you, but hope it might help to know you're not alone either way,

Take care

18-03-06, 21:52
THis is a lapse of memory and SSRI mixed with unusual amounts of alcohol can do that to some people.

Not sure where to post (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3583)
Anxiety and how it effects your memory (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6089)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

19-03-06, 05:30
thanks guys..
i agree with meg..its seems to be the mix of alcohol and my meds. I know of what dissasociaton is, and that is not it. When you dissasociate yourself from your body you know what is going on, but it is like looking at yourself from another person.
Anyways..it reallly really really scared me. I saw my psychiatrist and convinced him to put me on a lower dosage..plus I am really watching my alcohol intake....but I was just wondering if this has happened to others. It really scared me because it happened to me 4 years ago when I was on Paxil and I was at a party. I blacked out and my friend who had the party became not my friend because apparently I was caught with her boyfriend fooling around and was hitting on all the guys...but I don't remember it..and I was told that someone gave me extasy too...it really scared be because I was told these things I don't know what really happened...it brought back those bad memories. I am the kind of person who likes to be in control..and my black out made me feel totally out of control...my panic is enough...argh.
thanks for the feedback. But it was weird when I mentioned the black out to my psychiatrist's assistant she didn't seem to make the connection. I wonder if many people in the psychology community it aware of antidepressants/antianxiety meds that mix with booze and cause black outs??

19-03-06, 09:47
on paxil and alcohol I had black outs, got agressive and woke up in jail many times.

I have since quit alcohol completely (mainly due to alcoholism)

That will be it for sure.


Learning to under react

25-03-06, 07:11
yep///you are not the first to say that they get black outs if they drink on paxil.....but when I mentioned it ot my psychiatrist they idn't seem to be almarmed in any way and seemed shocked that I experienced it.
I hope you are doing well now.Did you continue with the Paxil?
Just curious.