View Full Version : broken and down

24-11-10, 14:54
i dont know where else i can go i am falling apart and i cant believe it i had gotten so much better and bam im down and i feel so broken and i cant stop crying and the panic attacks are coming non stop.

my little girl is now 15 days old and it has got worse i cant leave the house i tried to push myself to take the kids to school and bam i got half way there and had to turn round i just couldnt drive i was shaking and crying must have scared my poor kids to death.

now i have been left feeling shaky and had a few panic attacks since i got in it wont go away i have the feeling of dread in my stomach then bam it hits me.

i feel like im having a nervous breakdown i keep crying i dont want to be left alone im scared to even step out the front door it honeslty scares me to death.

i cant believe that 3 weeks ago i was shopping in asda without a care or a panic.

i dont know how im going to get better,

i have a feeling of dread im scared incase i actuall faint i think thats what scares me the now even though i have no reason to faint my bp was 120/70 which is normall so why am i feeling like this.

plus i also think in my head that maybe i cant take my lo out as she is only 2 weeks old and i have to take it easy and if i do to much ill faint.

i really need to get this out my head and any advice would be great im sitting here on edge again.

this site has helped me so much in the past and im hoping it can help me again.


24-11-10, 15:58
tks .having a new baby is hard work getting up in the night ,.so it means you don't get enough sleep and that added to your hormones changing again makes it worse ,,you could try and rest when you can find a time of the day when you can just relax ..you know in your heart you will be ok ,but anxiety tells you different ,if you were in asda before you can again. just try to get plenty rest when you can ,ps congratulations

24-11-10, 16:00
God poor you, sounds like you having a rough time of it. If you only had a baby 15 days ago ( congratulation by the way) your hormones will be all over the place, many women experience symptoms of depression and anxiety after the birth of a child. And if you suffered with anxiety or depression before then you are much more likely to experience these symptoms. I'm not sure what area of the country you are in , but most countys have a specialist perinatal mental health team who specifically works with women who experience anxiety or other mental health problems during/ after pregnancy. Your health visitor or GP coudl refer to them. So be kind to yourself and ask for help from others. About the fainting, your right, we only faint when our bp is low. The problem is, when we are in a state of anxiety we cannot access "rationale" thoughts , so one thing some people find quite helpful is to write on a "flashcard" that you can carry with you so you can remind youself of the rationale thoughts when you experience these symptoms...eg, I cannot faint, this is just a symptom of anxiety etc. But be kind to yourself and remember that your hormones will def be making things a lot worse at the moment. And if you want to PM me and what part of the country you are in I can have a look and the local Perinatal team

take care xxx

ps. sorry for any typos, just started some new meds today which are making me feela bit drunk!x

24-11-10, 16:03
tks it hard though hormones are the worse, its not like im over tired she sleeps most the time last night it was 11pm to 5.45am this morning..

its the whole fainting and thinking if i do to much ill faint aswell.

this is whats making it worse i keep feeling light on my feet but i know thats anxeity but u try telling my head that.

i just dont know what to do anymore

24-11-10, 16:07
tks ems im in scotland i have a phone consulation with the doc tomorrow c what she says and im waiting for word back on the clincal pyctrist (cant spell that)

i just want to go bk the way i was out and driving and not having this stuipd worry that ill faint most people get on with it.

plus that im a celb get me out of here aint helping i cant watch that either her fainting sends me into a panic attack.