View Full Version : Hi. I'm new. Can't actually believe I'm here

24-11-10, 15:54

I have been browsing this forum for a few weeks and I have been in tears reading what alot of you have wrote about. Not tears of sadness but tears of relief that I'm not going mad.

I suffer from OCD and have done for many years but the last 5 years it has spun out of all control. I now suffer from health anxiety and its driving me crazy. Its like there are 2 sides to my brain, the part thats making me panic, stress and worry and the sane part asking me why I'm doing it to myself. I'm having a good day today. I have been religiously taking high strength omega 3 capsules and yesturday I started st johns wort. I also suffer from general anxiety, I have always been able to control it but these past few months I have been getting worse & worse & worse.

I'm so thankful to have found this place. I havnt been to the doctors yet as I dont want medication. If I can treat this using natural remedies that would be great. If I show no improvement in a few weeks I wil go see a doctor.

I know I can beat this. I know I can. This isnt me, I used to be bubbly, outgoing, not a care in the world. Now Im shrouded in fear, guilt and worry that something bad is just round the corner. Today is a good day for me and since reading a thread on here about breathing everytime I have had a panic I have used them techiniques and they have helped.

Sorry for going on & on :blush:


24-11-10, 15:55
hi and :welcome: to nmp

24-11-10, 15:55
Hi sarahmac

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-11-10, 16:45
Good luck with this. Ocd has a good rate of recovery.


25-11-10, 14:24
Thankyou for the welcome xxxx


paula lynne
25-11-10, 16:00
Hi Sarah, its good to know you, welcome to a fantastic supportive site, youre not alone x:welcome:

25-11-10, 16:16
Hi Sarah, welcome.

It's great to find people experiencing the same symptoms and problems, I've only been here a little while but it's helped so much having people to talk to who really understand.



Smile :)
25-11-10, 16:22
Hi Sarah,

Welcome :) you will find lots of support here and it's the best feeling knowing your not alone and having people who understand to talk too

Stephanie xx

25-11-10, 18:19
I've just had a read of everyone elses and realised I should write more about myself. Been on Citalopram for 2 weeks, first week not so good but now getting on ok. Have been suffering from anxiety for 15 years, had many sessions with psychologists, counsellors and hyponotist before I gave in and asked for antidepressants (something my Dr has encouraged me to have a go on for nearly the 15 years I've had this!). So far so good. Had to attend Court today as a victim of a crime, case was adjourned but I actually got to Court without a panic attack or passing out - so something is working. Have found the info about Citalopram very good, every time I felt like giving up I realised everyone else suffers the same to start with so have been spurred on, so thank you to all those who put their side effects etc on this website, it has been invaluable.

26-11-10, 14:52
Hi, I felt the same about taking meds for years ( hence crippling OCD, panics and Agoraphobia since the age of 16- lots of natural remedies and counselling didn't help) and at the age of about 26 i begged my lovely doctor to put me on something. Have been on Seroxat at various levels ever since and its always been my life saver- however, (as i said in my welcome speech...) my issues have just come back with a vengeance and I don't know what to do now....but stick with meds, theres no shame in 'giving in' to them if that what you need. take care.:welcome: