View Full Version : Worrying

24-11-10, 16:11
Have not been on here for a while and thought I was 'cured', It seems that when I'm really stressed I start looking for other things to worry about too. Now I'm worried about North Korea and world events, Had a very stressful year - husband had knee op that wasn't successful and now needs further ops in London so not been working for most of the year (was self employed), Step daughter behaving appallingly (too much to go into here but aged 37 she should know better). Son's ex-girlfriend expecting his baby soon (very messy situation), husband taken to hospital as emergency a couple of weeks back (nothing to do with knee) but all ok now. And lots of other stuff which normally would be a bit inconvenient but on top of everything else is just too much to cope with at the moment. I have a permanent knot in my stomach and just want to stay in bed under the covers and sleep. My doctor is usually very understanding but just don't want to go to her again - she'll be fed up with me. I just feel so alone. I've got great kids and husband but I look at people in the street and think they're not worrying about things like I am. I sometimes have health anxiety but that's not too bad at the moment. Sorry, I've rambled on a bit. :weep:

24-11-10, 18:26
It is exhausting worrying all the time.. no wonder you feel low. Have you tried any self help books? Overcoming worry is really good, as is The Worry Cure, by Dr Robert Leahy x

25-11-10, 00:16
they sounds like good reads, thanks.

OP - try not to compare yourself to others, concentrate on getting well x