View Full Version : struggling badly today

24-11-10, 16:14
Hi guys

I'm struggling today and I'm in tears as I type this. I feel completely numb today. Woke up feeling ok but then the dizziness and sickness hit me. Feel very detached from my body and am terrified something is going to happen. I'm trying to watch tv, read a book and even cleaning the kitchen but my concentration is wrecked. I'm meant to be going to work in 2 hours and I'm actually terrified to even have a shower and get ready. normally i love my job. Has anyone got any advice to help me snap out of this as I'm really really scared right now.

Thanks xxx

24-11-10, 16:16
hun if it helps i feel the same way as u do ...i know what ur going threw tc hope u feel better.....i have the detached from body feeling allday thats what iam haven fear of atm like iam losen it but if u need to chat ill be herer

24-11-10, 16:20

Maybe having others around you (at work) will make all the difference. It's very difficult to snap out of it if we are on our own.

Nothing bad is going to happen to you hun.

Hope you feel loads better soon


24-11-10, 16:22
hey hun. i'm sorry to hear you're going through the same. it's not a pleaseant experience at all. i'm an absolute mess! i've gone from being one of the strongest only, ever slightly stressed person to a person who can barely even make a cup of tea. I know that I'll feel better as soon as I snap out of it its just i can't seem to get out of it today. I was doing ok until i decided to go out last wednesday night and got quite drunk and then the panic seemed to increase after my hangover on the thursday and i just haven't been able to shake it. I feel all fluey and down and its crippling me! my boyfriend just went out for a run and i'm in the house by myself which is making it feel worse i think. counting down the minutes till he gets back!


24-11-10, 16:22
:hugs: have you any rescue remedy to help?

focus on your breathing to help with the dizziness.

the dizziness is scary, i felt really dizzy this morning but i focused on my breathing and slowed it down so that i could manage the day.

vitamin b and magnesuim will help with the dizziness and anxiety. xx

24-11-10, 16:31
it such a relief to read the stuff you've written. i felt as if i was about to throw a brick through the television or something. i really thought i was doing ok over the past couple of weeks but this week i've been a wreck. the doorbell rang this morning and i thought i was about to have a heart attack. god knows why as its something that happens pretty much everyday! i need to go back and see my gp as i just can't go on like this. was so proud that i'd made it to 3 weeks without seeing them about my anxiety! xxx

24-11-10, 16:51
i know hun, it can feel like the anxiety and dizziness just comes out of the blue, it is so incredibly scary and so frustrating when you feel like you're making progress , then it feels like you're back to square one again.

be proud and see this as a slight set back , this feeling you have now will pass hun.

when i was in my late teens i remember the doorbell rang and i was too terrified to answer the door !
its all the adreneline and anxiety that heightens our awareness and alters our senses , so we are so alert and sensitive to any sound, movement etc when the anxiety is high, that the body will react to simple things like the doorbell ringing.

you will come through this, have you got dr.claire weeks book? as that is really helpful.
also i found seeing a homeopath really helped me , xx

24-11-10, 17:13
i worked my first night shift at work last night and i felt like i had drank about 50 cans of redbull as i was absolutely on edge. felt like i was completely out of my comfort zone which terrified me even more. think my adrenaline is still rushing a little. i'm constantly up and down at the moment. i'm very scared of doing something stupid when i feel like this, like quitting my job as i feel too uncomfortable there sometimes. fingers crossed after chatting to the doc tomorrow i'll be back on my feet.

I haven't got the book. is it highly recommended? I haven't tried any herbal things yet but I've heard some good things about them. is there any in particular? also do you find that the anxiety hits more in winter? it seems as the darkness creeps up i get more scared and the dark and the cold feel like they're gonna swallow me up. i'm so much more alert to all the lights and sounds at the moment too. frustratin :weep: xxx

24-11-10, 17:30
i would really recommend the claire weeks book, i bought it when i was a teenager (im now 31) it has really helped me, i think lots of other people on here have said that the book has helped them too .
some parts of the book do seem slightly old fashioned but all the info and advice is very useful and relevant.

i know homeopathy is expensive but i did find that really helpful, they work out the right kind of remedy for individual symptoms etc.
i found the councelling side to homeopathy very intresting and helpful aswel.

yes i think i feel worse in winter, i dont think the cold weather helps, i dont like winter time, and for as long as i can remember ive always been afraid of strong winds and the bitter cold of winter.
also winter brings coughs and colds etc and i always panic when i get ill so that doesnt help.

caffeine and alcohol make anxiety worse so it would be good to steer away from those or at least limit them because they can heighten the anxiety.
i cant drink alcohol at all as it makes me very dizzy and anxious.

hope you're feeling better soon xxx

25-11-10, 15:08
Thanks. I really appreciate all the advice. I think every woman in my family has suffered from anxiety at some point in there lives, I just didn't expect it to happen to me. I managed to make it through work last night although it was a very quiet night because of the snow. Nearly had a panic attack while waiting for the bus as it didn't show up for nearly an hour but managed to survive. i feel sometimes like i'm just putting it of and that it will happen at some point. feel a bit better today but feel very on edge. am trying to find things to do but feel like im just counting down the hours till im going to work. haven't been able to get a gps appointment today as half the drs couldnt get in because of the snow. its like the whole country comes to a standstill when it snows! normall i love it! sorry just having a bit of a rant!


25-11-10, 23:47
well you do well to still work hun, i cant work feeling like this,
i get random dizziness, sometimes its constant and i feel faint, but usually i feel lightheaded. really wouldnt want to wish it on anyone.

i hope you're feeling better today.
we were meant to be getting some snow but nothing yet. Although it's very cold.
You did well to get into work.xx