View Full Version : Trembles Feeling like crap having bad time

24-11-10, 16:38
:weep: having real bad time with my anxiety today and all yesterday just feeling trembling, cold, tired but i woke up yesterday at 5am never had a little lie down or anything all yesterday then was real anxious last night couldnt sleep finally did get to sleep at around hallf12 woke up at 5am again aaarrrggggg :weep: and not had a nap or anything today why is my anxiety so bad i cant eat because i am feeling so bad today i have only managed to
8am one toast with jam (small loaf piece)
10am 4 biscuits
2.30pm one jam on bread

just dont feel like anything now am so nervous my stomach just feels in a knot why am i feeling so bad also i think my pmt is due in a few days x

24-11-10, 16:59
I sympathise as this gas been my pattern the last few days and I feel like death today. No energy and general lethargy. Feel faint everytime I try to stand up or do anything. Blood sugar makes us feel panicky if it's low.

24-11-10, 17:10
:hugs:hi honeyp1e, pmt doesnt help cos that always makes me feel worse.

you could try taking magnesuim as that acts as a natural tranquilizer ,

perhaps if you go to bed earlyish tonight that will help, and have a bath before bed and then listen to some relaxing music in bed or before bed.

you could try a tonic to keep your strength up and try and eat a little of something, small but often.

i felt quite trembling this morning, i took some rescue remedy on my way out and that helped a bit.

hope you're feeling better soon xx

24-11-10, 17:59
:hugs:hi honeyp1e, pmt doesnt help cos that always makes me feel worse.

you could try taking magnesuim as that acts as a natural tranquilizer ,

perhaps if you go to bed earlyish tonight that will help, and have a bath before bed and then listen to some relaxing music in bed or before bed.

you could try a tonic to keep your strength up and try and eat a little of something, small but often.

i felt quite trembling this morning, i took some rescue remedy on my way out and that helped a bit.

hope you're feeling better soon xx

i forgot i have some of them rescue remedy chewies in my car but not yet took one (was woried of side effects)

24-11-10, 18:10
you wont get any side affects from the rescue remedy range, i worry about side affects about alot of things but rescue remedy is a herbal form so you will be okay , the pastilles are good xx

24-11-10, 18:19
you wont get any side affects from the rescue remedy range, i worry about side affects about alot of things but rescue remedy is a herbal form so you will be okay , the pastilles are good xx

24-11-10, 18:24
i sympathise with you too dodo, ive also known times where ive felt too faint or dizzy to stand up , or move to at all.

24-11-10, 19:11
i to get the dizzy spells which are horrible also no energy at all but i have lost my appetite as when am having bad nervous stomach i jsut cant force myself to eat but i am trying but i no i need more how can i calm my nervous stomach so i can eat more as am losing to much weight x

24-11-10, 19:32
Hi honeyp1e. I'm going through the same thing today. Tired, cold, dizzy and my head feels very heavy for some reason. Have you tried having a hot bath? That's what normally works for me, because it warms me up which stops the shaking so badly which means I can relax.


24-11-10, 20:44
the dizzy spells are dreadful, try taking seven seas tonic as it helps increase your appetite xxx

24-11-10, 21:18
is that just bought over the counter ? herbal etc.. sidde ettect what is it ? x am just abot panicky abouty taking meds etc.....
i have had this lump feeling in my throat all days its so annoying and now have the lump with a burning feeling... i no that part of these trembles are because my body is most prob hungry and i havent eaten much today 2 piece of bread one toast one jam buttie and 5 biscuits i just cant eat due to nervous staomch feels but will try that
Seven Seas Vitamin and Mineral Tonic thing u just said x but will it work even though my loss of appetite is anxiety related??
why do we get trembles as my body has been trembling all day ?

24-11-10, 21:35
the trembling is a natural response to fear and anxiety, it will pass.
the seven seas tonic will help no matter what hun, it helped me get my apetite back when i lost quite a bit of weight once.

some homeopathic and herbal remedies you can get from places like Boots the chemist for example , but the best place to go is to a qualified homeopathic or herbist.
the homeopath made me understand so much about all my anxiety and symptoms, it made so much sense.

try and eat little and often hun xxx

25-11-10, 13:19
i no the trembles are horrible am just hoping my appetite comes bk soon...
my doc said eat little n often but i just didnt understand what he meant how often n what foods an sizes etc....

25-11-10, 14:24
all today though i just wanna eat and eat anything is this normal ro have days like these but am scared to just eat as i havent eaten much in a while an am emetophobic ? so i worry i may eat to much etc..

26-11-10, 18:37
well eating little and often as in, eating a small portion of something ( a small meal or healthy snack) every few hours.
even if its just like a small childs meal, just having something little but often will help, hope you're feeling better today :) xxx

27-11-10, 15:23
so every 2-3 hours?
woke up feeling great had some jam on toast then went my friends for a visit who gave me a cup of tea (i usually drink decaf) but dunno what she gave me anyway about 30 mins later i started getting the trembles and discomfort in the abdomen/lump feeling in throat :(

27-11-10, 19:06
I must admit that trembles aka 'The Shakes' was one of my most enjoyable aspects of anxiety. All other symptoms were horrible but the shakes I quite enjoyed and sometimes I think back to how I quite liked getting them. Sounds strange I know but there is a lesson in it, because I never had them when I wanted them.

27-11-10, 19:18
it might help if you try to warm up, like use a blanket.
we shake too when we are cold, so I find standing in front of my heater tricks my brain into stopping the shaking.
if your taking vitamins, then i suggest try eating high fat foods if your losing weight.
I find soup amazing , it's good for you, not too filling and it's liquid!
I sometimes eat crisps as they are high in calories and not too filling and you can take your time eating them.
eggs are good too, like scrambled eggs on toast.
if you eat meat, chicken and fish would be good.
Chicken slices for bread, so you can nibble on it.
cheese is high in fat and again you can nibble on it.
make a goal of eating a certain amount of food every 3 hours.

your body goes into starvation mood due to lack of food, so then it makes you feel very hungry, which can lead you to binge/over eating to make up for lost calories.
so try and take advantage of the times you do feel hungry and eat as much as you can.

27-11-10, 20:50
it might help if you try to warm up, like use a blanket.
we shake too when we are cold, so I find standing in front of my heater tricks my brain into stopping the shaking.
if your taking vitamins, then i suggest try eating high fat foods if your losing weight.
I find soup amazing , it's good for you, not too filling and it's liquid!
I sometimes eat crisps as they are high in calories and not too filling and you can take your time eating them.
eggs are good too, like scrambled eggs on toast.
if you eat meat, chicken and fish would be good.
Chicken slices for bread, so you can nibble on it.
cheese is high in fat and again you can nibble on it.
make a goal of eating a certain amount of food every 3 hours.

your body goes into starvation mood due to lack of food, so then it makes you feel very hungry, which can lead you to binge/over eating to make up for lost calories.
so try and take advantage of the times you do feel hungry and eat as much as you can.

well right now al am living on is toast, jam butties, ham butties, biscuits, the odd bar of choc not had cereal or warm food for a while now and am dying to eating some chips or weetabix etc.. but my negative think and emetophobia takes over and i dont eat them ... when i really want to even after i have eaten my toast i get all kinds of negative thinking and i start feeling panicky thinking i have eaten to much just off one piece of toast i had a blood tests and that about 3-4 weeks ago when i went two weeks on just a biscuit a day and iwasnt in starvation mode then the nurse said and now am eating more than i was then so i no i wont be in starvation mode now am eating just little but want more but to scared incase i over eat and make myself sick etc..... will i no when i have had enough ?