View Full Version : puzzled

24-11-10, 19:02
hi all as you know im finding it very difficult at the moment with my ibs lately ive been having cramps and bloated feeling i usually have on average 2 to 3 bm aday but lately on some days i have only had one anyway yesterday had normal pain and went to the toiler for bm 3 times and was bloated all day well i got up this morning and my stomache felt a bit better but ive been straining to have a bm and nothing happened only tiny bits and mucus ive never had this before ive got low left sided pain again tonight but i still havent been to the toilet im worried because its never happened before is it still ibs and do your symptoms ever change with ibs x

24-11-10, 23:38
anyone please x

25-11-10, 08:33
I agree with pp. Sounds like you've gone the other way as the symptoms can swing between the two. Sometimes you can be constipated and still get loose stools in between as well.

The mucus is a natural secretion to aid your stools.

I found when I was bound up that fybogel was excellent. They're orange flavoured sachets you get them
From the chemist or supermarket. A couple a day will soften your stools up and hopefully cause the pain to stop.

25-11-10, 09:15
thankyou dodo and dahlia for your replies i will try the fybogel thanks again x

25-11-10, 10:59
Ask for a prescription for Fybogel, Bronte. It's much more expensive if you buy it OTC. Hope it helps x