View Full Version : Holidays in europe

24-11-10, 20:08
I am tying to get the courage again to start flying and to take a holiday not far away in europe. Would anyone know of holidays in europe that have some type of support for an anxious person like myself, who gets even more anxious away from home. Are there any good airlines who again are supportive of a person like myself and are there any support groups in europe.
Many thanks

Going home
24-11-10, 20:27
Hi Tony

Well, I doubt if there are any travel companies or hotels etc that would specifically cater for anxious people, not in the way they do for disabled people. The nature of anxiety is that each person has their own experience of it and their own ways of coping with it and we just have to find a way of coping with holidays too. There might well be self-help groups in other european countries but they wouldn't be geared to tourists, only to local people as we do here. I've never heard of a hotel in Spain for example, having a counsellor on hand for anxious people but I could be wrong and other members here might know of some.

As for the airlines, apart from running courses for nervous flyers, I think they only sort of offer tea and sympathy on board if they see you are anxious. The only other thing is to go with other people and lean on them a bit to get you through, but perhaps its better to wait until you feel more able to cope with going to another country without the need of a self-help group to go to when you get there.

Best wishes
Anna xx

25-11-10, 00:19
I found Rome a very stress free flight and a lovely place to go...plus I think I got flights for £60 return...you sound positive that you want to go so i think you'll just do it!!