View Full Version : Need support, have to face an anxiety

24-11-10, 20:44

I have had an extreme fear of taking pills and nausea for years now. I have recently been prescribed an antibiotic which I know I have to take, ive been trying to work up to it today so please I need your support.

Also if you have taken erythromycin what side effects did you get?

24-11-10, 20:52
Hi Piers,

An alternative to tablets if you're really struggling is the elixir/syrup form which is prescribed for children.

Main side effects are nausea/vomiting and diarrhoea but I don't recall having anything major when I took Erythromycin ages ago, maybe just felt a bit off it. X

24-11-10, 21:48
yes, i just crunched mine up and ate them, or emptied the capsule onto a spoon and swallowed the powder with some water. No side effects for me apart from thursh, so I take a prebiotic now if I take antibiotics.

24-11-10, 22:13
Thank you for the replies, it says to take them with food so ive just put the oven on.

24-11-10, 22:26
What you cooking?

24-11-10, 22:35
What you cooking?

Shepherds Pie (ready meal)

24-11-10, 23:20
Ok just taken 5 mins ago 1 pill (250mg). The precription is for 2x250mg twice a day but aan NHS nurse said i could take 250x1 4 times a day, is there a medical person here who could confirm that?

24-11-10, 23:41
I would take as its been suscribed twice a day Piers .If you increase the dose to 4doses .You will get more chance of side effects .Usually an upset tum ,and mild nausea . Sue

25-11-10, 11:25
Did you notice side effects as soon as you started taking it? Ive taken 2 pills now and took them about 8 hours a go.

25-11-10, 11:32
It usually takes me a couple of days before I get a bad tum with anti bs .Probiotic yoghurt helps tho .You may only be a bit loose so to speak ...We all react differently ,so try to keep positive in the meantime Piers .How many days of pills did you get btw ? Sue x:hugs:

25-11-10, 11:37
Hi Sue,

The doctor told me to take 4 pills for 4 days but the packet has 28 (7 days worth) in it so I guess I should take the 7 days worth. It doesnt make as anxious about stuff coming from the backend (I have to take daily laxatives anyway), its more the front end that makes me anxious.

wow we have odd conversations on here lol.

25-11-10, 11:46
Yes we do lol .:D They will kick in quick Piers after 3 days you will see the difference .They always give you more than necessary to ensure it doesnt come back .The infection sometimes seems to have got better but can still have trace elements left ,and some infections are harder to get rid of than others ,that s why they give you more .Im sure you will be feeling better soon .Drink plenty of water too .It helps flush it out .Take care xx:hugs:

25-11-10, 13:52
Anyone get bloating or gas with these?

25-11-10, 14:17
Hi there i am not from a medical background, just speaking from my own experience, i too have a real fear about taking medications, i have had Erythromycin several times and not had any side effects, other than thrush which i am very prone to anyway. The dose can be taken 4 x a day, but your doctor would have prescribed what was necessary for the type of infection and the severity of the infection, so it is best to stick with what your doctor has prescribed, after he was the one that examined you and decided what was required.

I am so anxious about meds that i find myself looking for side effects, i now try to distract myself after i have taken them, so as not to focus on it x

25-11-10, 18:21
I is possible to get bloating and gas ..they kill off the good bacteria in the gut ..Thats why its good to take probiotic yoghurt ,as it replaces some of it .Have you been having gas and bloating then Piers ? sue x

25-11-10, 18:26
I bought some actimel drinks earlier and have just had one. I do normally get gas and bloating from IBS so maybe the anxiety of pill has made me more gassy. Also when I dont eat for a while I get bloated as well (is that normal?).


25-11-10, 18:52
I would say the IBS is the predisposing factor for the bloating .Also certain foods can make you bloated after you have eaten them .This can take a few hours to develop afterwards due to the sluggish digestion DUE TO IBS . Not because you havnt eaten ..Camomile tea is good for bloating ...sue x

26-11-10, 16:54
Is it normal to feel pain while in the area while the antibiotics are working?

26-11-10, 16:58
What sort of pain Piers ? Is it the same as it was or worse ? Sue x

26-11-10, 17:06
I saw the doctor earlier who said it looks much better, the redness seems to have mostly gone and there isnt really any pain when touching it. The pain I felt was higher up the foot, sort of on the tendon area. I thought since I have been sitting with my foot raised and sort of tensing it maybe thats teh cause. It lasted for a couple of seconds then seem to go.

26-11-10, 17:20
Piers that does sound like, thats what it was ..Ive never heard of anti bs causing pain .Unless it was already there ,it would remain until around the 3rd day of taking them .Try to relax .It sounds by what Dr said to be helping so thats good .It doesnt take long .Soon be ok again ..:yesyes:tc sue x