View Full Version : help plzz (wasnt sure where to post this)

18-03-06, 08:24
This is very complicated and im just wondering if anyone else ever feels like this... Ok... July morning i woke up thinking i couldnt breathe... went to the hospital.. everything was fine... tried to go to sleep later... thought i couldnt breathe again... went to the hospital.. found out that i was breathing TOO much... Ever since then it has bene down hill... I always think something is wrong with me even when i have no symptoms, i will make myself think i have something wrong with me... like sometimes i see little white sparks in vision and sometimes a black dot... and if i ever get a headache with that.. then im like omg i got a brain tumor and i want to sit down and cry and then i start thinking i have MS... then i read something about testicular cancer and what do you know... i all at sudden think i have it because i have gasteropical (or somehting.. its like acid reflux)... Then I drunk too much caffeine and it was hurting when i used the bathroom and i thought i had prostate cancer so i got checked for that.. everything fine... I have had every single test i think, CT scans (with and without dye like 3 times from 2 different hospitals), blood test, urine test, eye exams... Then I get myself worrying... "What if something is wrong with me and they just cant find it"... I was evening watching Dr. Phil awhile back and thought i had tourettes and i held my neck so tight for like 1 weeks straight... then shortly after that i thought i had partkinson's disease... I mean its one thing after another.. all day long... i dont know what to do with it... iv learned to cope with it alil bit... i used to just sit down n cry and think that it would be just be better if i was dead... I'm only 16 years old and iv been told that ppl around my age tend to go thru this stage... How come none of my friends have the same problem i have? Does anyone else have these problems? How can i help myself to get over this?... Also.. sometimes I may hear something.. like when my speakers are turned low and some sound goes thru.. and sometimes i think im just crazy and i think its a brain tumor and its making me hear things... Does anyone else have these problems?.... Oh yea... I been have heart palpitations.. but i have had a EKG and my heart is fine... Can this be caused by gas? It happens evenwhen im not nervous sometimes..

18-03-06, 09:05
hey you

yes there are many of us having the same feqrs so no you are not alone.

please read the health anxiety section and see how many of us fear this

you have come to the right place. i really hope we can help just even by shared experiences

heart palpitations are a classic sign of anxiety which you are definitely suffering. they will not harm you

18-03-06, 09:07
so all my headaches n visual disturabances n everything are from anxiety/stress n i have nothing to worry about?

18-03-06, 09:13
all tests are done and normal, try to accept that although i know it is hard. but all the things you describe many of us have felt and are feeling as you and i speak. have a look in the symptoms section and also if you go to " home " at the top of the page there is a section on symptoms. click on it to see the long list.

i really hope this helps, you are not alone


19-03-06, 00:30

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress