View Full Version : didnt think its could get any worse!!

24-11-10, 21:32
but yup it can am so stressed just now as if it wasnt too much already and now 2 more things to add to it all!! Come i can take it all cant i, im fine, fine, fine. well im not ok and i just dont need all this added stress!! to things i have to sort out and deal with on top of the others...

whats the point is there any cos i dont see much the way things are going just now!!

paula lynne
24-11-10, 21:33
Whats happened ljd?

24-11-10, 22:14
oh never mind just about had enoug now one thing after another just to deal with on top of everything else!! thanks anyway

paula lynne
24-11-10, 22:17
Here if you want to talk and get it off your chest ok.

24-11-10, 22:24
It can hard when you have a lot of stuff to deal with , even worse when you have anxiety.

24-11-10, 22:26
Hi ljd,

I’m sorry you’re having a tough time at the moment. I was just thinking... do all these things have to be done at the moment? I mean REALLY have to be done? I know they’ll need to be done at some point, and I know it feels like they need to be done now, but what would happen if you left one or two of the less important ones for a while? Would it really be a huge disaster?

Why not write everything on a list, because things get pretty jumbled in our minds sometimes. Perhaps could order and prioritise them, and just focus on a few of the most urgent ones for now.

Take care :)

24-11-10, 22:26
awe ty but dont know where to start just need to get it sorted in me head and just making a fuss about nothing. Have to move out of where im living thats one of them!! Where iw or there are loads of changes happening and finding that hard to deal with long story there!! As well as all the other crap thats going on. I dont know just on a bit of a downer now!! struggling to get back up!! oh well stupid, horrible, bad, evil thats me!!

paula lynne
24-11-10, 22:32
You said those things about yourself before, so I will repeat what I said before, and loads of others...you are not stupid, bad or evil. Moving is stressful, especially if you dont have a choice, but you will cope.
Lots of people dont like change, Im one of them, but with change comes new opportunities to learn and grow as a person.....
Youve been through rough times before, have faith in yourself and stop putting yourself down. The only way is up if your down............

24-11-10, 22:34
Im scared, scared of me, life, everything, change, feel so alone with it all, tried to fight it and get on with things but its getting harder...why is it so hard,whats wront with me??

24-11-10, 22:37
You seem to be having a hard time lately , i know you are doing the best you can , try not to be too hard on your self. Moving house is very stressfull.

24-11-10, 22:40
thank you all for your kind replies appreciate it just need to distract myself just now and get rid of these stupid thoughts and feelings going round and round in me head!! need to gain control and not let them take over as i know where it will lead if ido! Its hard though dont know who will win..

paula lynne
24-11-10, 22:41
Listen to Nigel ljd, please...only do the absolute neccesary, the vital stuff, and leave anything else for later on. There is nothing wrong with you. You are feeling totally snowed under. You need to prioritise. Write a list.x

24-11-10, 22:43
im so scared its all building up, i hate it when i feel like this. noone to talk to about it as no one knows how i am.. have to be fine fine fine me and im not. trying to fight it so i dont do anythingill regret but its so hard..

paula lynne
24-11-10, 22:56
You can talk to us :hugs:

25-11-10, 22:51
thanks paula

25-11-10, 23:37
We are all with u and all suffering. Don't worry it will get easier just take baby steps

03-12-10, 21:51
thanks david tc