View Full Version : Brain fog, poor memory :(

24-11-10, 21:58
Can anyone tell me if this is a symptom of anxiety as its doing my head in. I'm trying to remember every single thing and it then bugs me when i cant remember stuff. Even if its something that i was talking about 10 minutes ago. I seem to be so absentminded. I have to right lists. I'm 35 and feel like i'm going mad. My thoughts have been overloaded lately, but i'm just worried.

Please help :(

24-11-10, 23:29
Absolutely yes. I suffer from this very badly at times. Not sure if it's down to anxiety or chronic fatigue syndrome in my case, maybe a combination. I found that ginseng and ginkgo biloba both helped but I wouldnt recommend them if you take an SSRI x

Rachel W
26-11-10, 02:16
I have this as well. I was really freaking out about it, but it seems to get a little better when I am less anxious (which is rare nowadays). I even remember something and get freaked out that I had genuinely forgotten it i.e. the other day I bought a compass and it had a protractor in the package. I had forgotten that they were called protractors and couldn't remember the last time I DID know this, although I know that I knew it in the past. Granted, it has been years since I have used one, but I am someone who usually remembers things like that. I am usually good at remembering anything to do with bookish stuff (just really bad at names and numbers). I am 39 (40 in just over a week)..:(