View Full Version : Can any females help? (period related)

24-11-10, 23:45
I've had a phobia of my periods for the last 12 months since a d&c last year to remove a pregnancy. I had 3 heavy periods following the op and although my periods have improved I'm still a bag of nerves ever since.

I had such heavy periods with the gushing sensation that now I'm always scares when I'm on my period incase I bleed to death:-( I bleed heavyish for 3 days then medium/light till day 7/8. I've seen my gp and he reassures me I'm fine and he told me you can't bleed to death from a period as it's not a proper bleed, it's just the lining we shed, so why am I still so anxious? Should I believe and take comfort from what he has said?

I just hate dreading it every month:(( I'm only 31, I can't do this for the next 20 years!

25-11-10, 00:38
Hi been through same thing even rushed to a+e thinking i was hemoraging.and it just turned out a heavy period,While there what made me feel better was when dr explained most of our period is not blood it is mostley mucus ,gosh i was losing clots n evthin but all was fine .so try not to worry hun all is ok

25-11-10, 01:04
The symptomatic pattern you describe would be characterized as menorrhagia depending upon how much bleeding is produced. Your doctor is correct in that the shedding of the uteral lining is dissociated from vascular circulation. In other words, menstrual bleeding in particular is incapable of causing you to bleed to death under any circumstances whatsoever.

If you doctor determines that you are experiencing menorrhagia, treatment is available. I suspect, however, that in most such cases the patient typically presumes the circumstances to be far worse than by actual comparison to the menstrual patterns of other patients with similar features.

You'll be fine. Again, you need to set aside any fears about bleeding to death because it isn't possible by such means.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

25-11-10, 06:27
Thank you both very much.

Yes it was mennoragia earlier this year. Now my GP says I'm quite heavy the first few days but that's normal Aparently, and then it's medium/light until 7/8 day which again he says is totally normal.

I just have this awful fear that I can bleed to death from it and its so upsetting:(( It lasts a week, so its such a long week when you have a fear like this. It's a inconvenient fear to have with being a woman;-)

25-11-10, 08:42
Hugs. I have had bad first days since mine returned after giving birth. It was all new to me as id been on the pill prior to being pregnant and had had really light periods.

Nowadays I have a very heavy first couple of days where I'm getting through tampons quickly. They got the next five days it's just spotting. The first couple of days really wash me out as well. They make me feel light-headed and dizzy.

I presume your iron levels gave been checked with the gp.

I just wonder if they could offer you dome support a bit like post traumatic stress to help you come to terms with the changes in your body?

My first few days are so heavy I even get clotting now which I haven't had since a teenager. Which was quite alarming when it first started.

But Hun there's nothing wrong and it really will stop you know deep down it will.

25-11-10, 12:21

I was on the pill April-July, I started having panic attacks and headaches so my GP took me of the pill. It did make them much lighter. We will be trying for a baby next year so I want to keep away from any pills at the moment.

My GP says mine isn't exactly heavy as such, he says every woman is heavy the first few days and gushes abit when she stands etc.. It is just that I have this phobia, I still had it when on the pill to be honest.

Larna, are you trying to get pregnant? If not, maybe you could go on the pill? That makes your periods lighter and shorter. My periods, when I'm not on the pill, sound just like yours. For the first 3-4 days I would go through super size Tampax every 3 hours or so. Then have a lightish bleed for another 3 days or so.


25-11-10, 12:23
Thanks Dodo.

Yes I change my pad every 2 hours or so the first 2 days, then it goes medium to light flow until day 8.

My GP says it is all very normal and nothing to worry about. If he says I can't bleed to death from a period as it isn't an actual proper bleed, my friends have told me the same too, then why can't I relax?

They have referred me for some top up CBT, so I am still waiting on that.

Hugs. I have had bad first days since mine returned after giving birth. It was all new to me as id been on the pill prior to being pregnant and had had really light periods.

Nowadays I have a very heavy first couple of days where I'm getting through tampons quickly. They got the next five days it's just spotting. The first couple of days really wash me out as well. They make me feel light-headed and dizzy.

I presume your iron levels gave been checked with the gp.

I just wonder if they could offer you dome support a bit like post traumatic stress to help you come to terms with the changes in your body?

My first few days are so heavy I even get clotting now which I haven't had since a teenager. Which was quite alarming when it first started.

But Hun there's nothing wrong and it really will stop you know deep down it will.

25-11-10, 12:28
PS Yes my bloods were tested last month, all fine.

28-11-10, 07:58
I'm due on any day this week, and I'm scared:(( I feel so stupid, I hate feeling like this