View Full Version : Was this a panic attack.

25-11-10, 00:18
Haven't posted on here for such a long time but something happened a few nights ago that worried me so thought I would ask you guys for advice.I woke up about 3.00 am and just felt a bit agitated but very nauseous at the same time,I tried to lay there and just block the feeling of feeling sick but it didnt work.I started to feel slightly hot not anything drastic and I kept stroking my hair and smoothing it down over my shoulders whilst feeling a bit nervy.I swung my legs out of bed and all I can say is I felt pretty ill,I woke my husband up and said I felt unwell,he asked me in what way but all I could say was that I felt sick and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.I felt very emotional and then my legs began to shake quite badly,my husband was pressing on them trying to stop them shaking but my knees were literally knocking together,at this point we both got up and went downstairs,I sat on the sofa and had a cry and he made me a sweet cup of tea.The shaking gradually subsided and so did the feeling of sickness and I started to feel calmer.All the way through this my heart wasn't beating overly fast and I didn't feel frightened other than scared I was going to throw up as I hate being sick and have a bit of a phobia of it to be honest.I went back to bed about 5 am and got a few hrs sleep,got up and it was like it never happened,I am quite worried as a panic attack would have made my heart beat fast whilst all the other stuff was going on and because it wasn't makes me think I might have some form of illness.I am thinking of going to the docs but i bet he/she says it was nothing.It didn't feel like nothing and I did feel awful for about 15 minutes,does anyone know what it might have been?.

25-11-10, 17:02
It definitly sound like a panic attack to me. How do you feel now?

:) x